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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

Has anybody else been reading the Jose Reyes chatter on RZ? This is one of the times I get frustrated that I can't post in the ORG. Everybody there is talking about the premium prospects that the Mets would demand, and seem to be forgetting that they are drowning in a sea of bad contracts, debt and lawsuits. The Mets are in a lousy negotiating position - they have to do something about their payroll obligations, and their problem is exacerbated by the Dodgers' problems. Normally LA would be a natural trading partner, but they're probably going to be on the same side of the fire sale market as the Mets are.

Not to mention, any team that takes on guys from the Mets are going to have to take on the salary as well. That would be the entire point of a trade from the Mets side. The Reds are not in a position to add that kind of payroll.

The lack of perspective on RZ when it comes to trades is ridiculous. I bet the same guys that want to ship Mesoraco, Leake, Francisco & Billy Hamilton to NY for Reyes are the same guys who wanted to package Votto, Bruce, Cueto & Bailey to the Orioles for Erik Bedard a couple years ago. :shake:
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jlb1705;1918357; said:
Has anybody else been reading the Jose Reyes chatter on RZ? This is one of the times I get frustrated that I can't post in the ORG. Everybody there is talking about the premium prospects that the Mets would demand, and seem to be forgetting that they are drowning in a sea of bad contracts, debt and lawsuits. The Mets are in a lousy negotiating position - they have to do something about their payroll obligations, and their problem is exacerbated by the Dodgers' problems. Normally LA would be a natural trading partner, but they're probably going to be on the same side of the fire sale market as the Mets are.

Not to mention, any team that takes on guys from the Mets are going to have to take on the salary as well. That would be the entire point of a trade from the Mets side. The Reds are not in a position to add that kind of payroll.

The lack of perspective on RZ when it comes to trades is ridiculous. I bet the same guys that want to ship Mesoraco, Leake, Francisco & Billy Hamilton to NY for Reyes are the same guys who wanted to package Votto, Bruce, Cueto & Bailey to the Orioles for Erik Bedard a couple years ago. :shake:

I don't post over there anymore. It's a non stop flow of idiotic ideas. After a while I just got really rude, which of course means I would never be able to post on ORG. So screw them, if they don't want the hits, they can keep up their system.
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