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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

jlb1705;1919516; said:
Rodriguez isn't good enough to be embarrassed by something like that.

Two-thirds of his pitches are belt-high fastballs. He doesn't throw it hard and it lacks late movement. He has a conventional delivery and doesn't seem to hide the ball exceptionally well. His only outstanding quality is that he seems to be named after a deadly blood clot. He is the very definition of replacement-level. I'm convinced he pitched for the Reds sometime before last year and my mind has suppressed the memory.


you beat me to the pitch for the Reds joke.
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You have to love the way Wood is locating his pitches tonight. I hope this is a glimpse of what is to come this season for him. Got the jitters and mistakes out early, and now he's settling down to where he should be pitching wise.
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Damnit, Dusty dont waste the bullpen! Stupid.

He needs one out and the game is not in question at the moment. Why the hell would you go to the bullpen right here when he only needs one more out?

I hate that dumb bastard.

Bases loaded now. If Bray gets this guy he needs to start the next inning as well. I'm not a big fan of one pitcher for one batter. Thats a terrible waste of an arm.

Dear God now he's taking Bray out. Stealing my joy one half inning at a time. :-(
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