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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

ugh, unless Reds get 3 or 4 runs here, we're gonna see Cordero again

Edmonds gets his first hit as a Red......ugh, Cairo strikes out, alright, 2-0 top 9..cordero time

runners on corners 2 out, ugh

GOT THE K!!!! SWEEP!!!!! :lol: Marlins were 0 for 27 RISP this series
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scott91575;1747438; said:
His velocity has been really good this year. The problem is his control and his slider.


It actually gives me hope that his problem is more mental than anything. I volunteer to smack him upside the head in a vigorous manner if it will help.
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Bucknut24;1747432; said:
the one good sign was coco's fastball was up around 97/98, don't remember him throwing it that hard the past few times, not sure though, i thought he'd usually throw it around 94

His velocity seems to get higher the more consecutive days he pitches. If he sits several days he rarely touches 95.
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