It is times like this that I hate my childhood, as a dumbshit kid, I grew up loving the Reds (Big Red Machine era) and by extension the Bengals, now 30 some odd years later and I am really saddened by the fact that I am not a fair weather fan. If I was, I would have left this group of losers in the late 90's I hate that following this bunch of clowns has me ready for football already and that football is a long way off. I have got to start following golf or Nascar more, or take up gardening, or gourmet cooking, I can't be any worse at those than the Reds are at baseball.
It is just pitiful when one of our biggest worries in Spring Training was how Dusty would screw this up, and now he is one of the only bright spots, and we all seem to have sympathy for the mess he was hired into.

And having to work tonight, I can't even drown my sorrows by
ah well I'll have to take solace in the fact, as someone else said, that the Reds won't lose tonight.
It is just pitiful when one of our biggest worries in Spring Training was how Dusty would screw this up, and now he is one of the only bright spots, and we all seem to have sympathy for the mess he was hired into.

And having to work tonight, I can't even drown my sorrows by
