Long, Lonely Road Awaits Maurice Clarett
Bernie Lincicome - Scripps Howard News Service
Ah, Maurice, we hardly knew ye. Your fault, not ours.
I had planned to defend young Maurice Clarett what with all the piling on going on, not because he and I may have passed through the same library, or crossed the same oval or, at least in my case, attended class at Ohio State.
No, the old school ties tug not at all in this case, but considering that the lad's latest sin is to be clearly inadequate as a running back in the National Football League, he seems not to deserve either the acrimony nor the sanctimony that has followed him out of town.
He is no worse than the next 10 million young men you may pass, none of whom even made it to the practice field sideline of an NFL team, and that is about as much defending as I can find.
The tiny crime of Clarett, and the reason for all the attention, is not what he could not do but what he could have done, what the world expected of him, what seemed not only possible but inevitable. His great failure resonates because disappointment is a shared sensation. You gloat, you weep, you care.
I still recall my field end-zone view of Clarett slithering toward me for the touchdown that beat Miami in double overtime and won the national title for the old school. The sad irony is that the very field where it all should have begun, Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz., is where it all might have ended for Clarett, had Mike Shanahan the least sense of whimsy or of closure.
No, the adult world is too hard for such fancy, and Shanahan owes Clarett nothing more than the chance he gave him. The Broncos will go on to one more pointless summer rehearsal, and Clarett will go on to whatever and wherever his delusions lead.
From the moment Clarett scored the last touchdown he may ever score, the world was open to him. In his chosen field, it was as if he had just discovered the secret of gravity or the Rosetta Stone. His credentials were made. The dying of the cheers were years and years away.
That night will remain his greatest public moment, at age 19, and if life gets better than that for Clarett, he has to be a better man than he has shown since. It is much easier to imagine him running and rerunning that game in a darkened room, year after year, calling strangers in off the street to show them what he once was.
The effect of Clarett on the Broncos, on Denver, on any thing of consequence was so insignificant that it is impossible to stir any emotion over his dismissal by the Broncos, not good riddance, not sadness, not curiosity.
He came with buzz, like fruit flies, and leaves with shrugs. No harm, no foul, no bother.
Except that so much was made of so little, there will be no trace of him, even the dent made from his shoes on the practice field sideline.
It is easy to charge others with failing Clarett, and it is likely many have. But it is not that easy to bend a backbone.
Gone without a down of duty. Gone without an ounce of guilt, from either side most likely.
For Clarett himself, the lasting stain of his time among us will be he could not play running back for Mike Shanahan, the man who can make a 1,000-yard rusher out of an animal cracker.
Being excused by the Broncos is the final proof of all the suspicions that have nagged Clarett in his brief and bungled career as a football player, bad actor, bad worker, bad influence, not enough heart, not enough talent, not worth the bother, certainly not worth a third-round draft choice.
And even that bit of blemish for Shanahan works against Clarett because anyone picked that high would have been given every consideration, the benefit of every doubt.
Clarett really had to work to blow this chance, because the last thing Shanahan wanted was to be wrong, or foolish, not that the ol' Mastermind won't get over it. He has a job to get on with, a Bronco team to tune, a season to face.
And Clarett? Clarett just seems to keep finding new bottoms.
Let's see. He has lost now to the NFL, and to the Supreme Court, to the local sheriff in Ohio, to Ohio State. The size of his adversaries is impressive.
He has lost to himself. There is something he can still do about that. If he will.
If Clarett does have anything left of what was impressive in his freshman year at Ohio State, he must now be aware that it is up to him to find it, to show it, to use it.
The world no longer waits for Maurice Clarett. He must catch up to it.
Email Bernie Lincicome here.
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