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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

FKAGobucks877 said:
You cannot compare this kid to Cris Carter, because at least Cris Carter cared about his school.
I believe MoC did too until the system gave him a reason fight back. Granted, I think MoC has a huge chip on his shoulder that he needs to get rid of. That incident at Northwester with Tim Spencer is a good reflection of MoC's tendency to speak before thinking. My problem is people who think MoC is bad but refuse to see that the college football system is bad as well, and it does exploit the football and basketball athletes to benefit other athletic programs and students. Why would someone continue to care about a school that exploits them?
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rhammersmith said:
My problem is people who think MoC is bad but refuse to see that the college football system is bad as well, and it does exploit the football and basketball athletes to benefit other athletic programs and students. Why would someone continue to care about a school that exploits them?
One word: Bullshit. Why is it that EVERY other college football player will take their free education, and take advantage of the OPPORTUNITY that this provides? Even big-name players with comparable talent to Clarett will play their three years, and make the most of the opportunity, bettering themselves and their ability to play football, and setting an excellent foundation for a career that will net them MILLIONS in the long run? This argument means nothing to me, as MoC is one the VAST minority that simply can't accept life for what it is. Do some work. EARN IT! Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY else has. What makes him so special? Why is he better than every other collegiate football player? Why is he "more deserving" than any other buckeye? This fool dug his own hole, DO NOT try to blame the system or the university for acting within the guidelines set forth for them.
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I agree with you FKA, clarett put himself in this position by taking advice from the wrong group of people, he has only himself to blame, good luck trying to get back those millions you would have earned if you played just one more year at OSU. Everyone has to earn their way, but he thinks he is above that and his attitude reflects that.
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All you need to know about MoC's character is this: in the weeks leading up to the Fiesta Bowl, all he could blabber on about was how much the school sucks, and how he wanted to play for Miami.

Anyone who could do something like that while you're playing for a team in an event that means EVERYTHING to your home state, is a jackass. You had 80 year old men in Ohio giddy as 14 year old school-boys because of the Bucks, you had people with cancer in hospitals happy because of the Bucks, you had people in bad shape all over getting a distraction because us being in the Title game for the first time in 34 years meant so much to them .. and all you have to say is, "The school sucks??"
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Realistically, Clarett should have never started in the Fiesta Bowl after calling Gieger and the school liars after he was too stupid to fill out the forms correctly. I love how people still try to defend him as if OSU was the one who wronged him. whatever.
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goddamn it, i just wrote a long post and it got erased.

basically, the jist of my post was that Maurice has brought me a ton more happiness (the ridiculously exciting 2002 championship season) than unhappiness (the "shame" that he has supposedly caused me, a student of The Ohio State University). Therefore, I don't understand how any Buckeye Fan can hate the guy. If you hate him, you might as well take all your national championship t-shirts, hats, and other memorabilia and burn it.

I don't defend his actions, he brought all his problems on himself. But they are his problems, not ours. Him existing has brought me greater joy than if he were not to exist. So please, everybody, get off his back. Christ. You'd think he slept with your wife.
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i never said the guy was a saint or even a good person, but he is just a dumb kid.. and i dont believe him to be very intelligent, and if you dont like him thats fine, he isnt my favorite person either... but he has NOT earned the kind of hate he gets from FANS, rj said it, its a business, the school has a 80 million dollar athletic budget and doesnt have to give them money bcuz its a business, so now you are going to jump down his throat because he doesnt get all giddy with "business" spirit? come off it, sure you can all say you would love the chance to get what he got? well he worked his ass off to get that good and since its a business id say his since of entitlement is high enough to get him whatever he deserves, if he busts, then its his ass not yours so back off christ youd think we were talking about a michigan player...
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If you hate him, you might as well take all your national championship t-shirts, hats, and other memorabilia and burn it
Why is this?? How many games did he miss in the national championshop season? Yes, he was a contributor, but when he was gone they still won games. He didn't even win Fiesta Bowl MVP, so I can thank CK, MJ, Gamble, the whole TEAM for my national championship memorabilia. Afterall, they were there every game playing their hearts out, and not whining like a little baby about everything that doesn't go their way.
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Rick James...Let's not kid ourselves...He contributed a lot to the team, and there were several games that he played in where we definately needed him. If Ross or Hall had started the Fiesta Bowl, I doubt Krenzel would have had the amount of success he had running the ball. The fact that Clarett was even in the game limited Miami defensively.
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He's Rick James, Bitch: "I know he contributed, but never will I say he's the reason we won the championship."

He's a pretty big reason. We don't win it without him. Do you forget how inept our offense was in the games that MoC didn't play in 2002?
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FKAGobucks877 said:
DO NOT try to blame the system or the university for acting within the guidelines set forth for them.
That's just the problem: "the guidelines set forth for them". The guidelines were written before college football generated as much revenue as it does today. If you were a salesman 10 years ago and generated $200K of business for your company and they compensated you with $50K a year (assuming 2004 dollars) and today you generate $2 million of business, yet your company still pays you $50K a year, wouldn't you feel exploited. Would you fell any different if the company told you that they are just acting within the guidelines set forth for them by the government? You probably wouldn't have a leg to stand on legally, but does that somehow morally justify the system?

How is that any different than the NCAA and football players? Football players generate 10 times more revenue for their college than they did decades ago, yet the compensation is still exactly the same as it was decades ago. Like I said before, Clarett is a punk with a chip on his shoulder, but the system is not without its own black eye.
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Yeah, he definitely contributed, but to me that isn't the point. My point is that this little selfish, immature jackass hates my school, my favorite team, and my favorite coaching staff. He's a liar, and he WASTES his God-given talent, instead of working to improve it. He has tarnished the reputation and image of an excellent school and athletic program, and even worse, HE COULDN'T CARE LESS. That is why I am glad he is gone. I cheered just as loudly for him on the field as anyone else, until his "true self" came shining through about mid-season. From that point forward, my opinion of him went downhill fast, and is still sliding.
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