Whether he's back on the scout squad or dressed on the sidelines as a titular Co-Captain, you can stick a fork in Lydell. He's done.
No way is JT going to have every national sportscaster chuckle over the OSU-Co-Captain-at-the-Lap-Dance-Parlor story during every future OSU telecast. To paraphrase an old Richard Nixon line: You won't have Lydell Ross to kick around any more.
That said, a decision on Haw has to be made soon and it will probably be to play him. If not, and Pittman twists an ankle, Mo Hall is all we've got, with a gimpy Branden Joe backing him up.
My guess is that with three losses already on the books, JT is playing for the scUM game and next year exclusively. If that's the case, you get your two brightest runningback prospects as much playing time as possible -- and Mo Hall is not one of those bright prospects.
So I think JT runs the 'fresh-legs' drill with Pittman starting and Haw spelling him as game conditions dictate. If we get ahead early, Haw comes in early. If not, he spells Pittman some in the second and fourth quarters. Mo Hall gets his reward for four years of loyal service by becoming the Buckeyes' all-time leading kick returner.