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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

OregonBuckeye;1484574; said:
Height doesn't mean much. It's about body composition and running with a low center of gravity. Backs built like Sam McGuffie and who run like him get punished. But a back like Boom Herron, roughly the same size, can succeed because he has a strong lower body and runs with a low center of gravity.

Berry is a complimentary back in the Big-10. Give him 10-15 touches and he'll be great.

Thats true but for Boom to become the best he can be he needs to just work on being able to get through the holes in the offensive line before a linebacker plugs it up.
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generaladm;1488120; said:
Just to add a little more detail, the only "gangsta" images on Jamal's page were from a very common game like this (if not this exactly):

I looked at Jamal's myspace page via a link in an article when the arrest story first broke. He had a banner on the sidebar showing what rank he was in the game. Any images of guns are animated. These types of profile flare are common among myspace members of all ages and backgrounds (note the #1 app claim). This has as much to do with Jamal being a thug as a "What Superhero Are You?" quiz has to do with me being Green Lantern. There were absolutely no pics of Jamal posing with guns, cash, etc. I'm suprised, and more than a little disappointed, that anyone presenting themself as a journalist would mention this without completely discrediting it's relevance. Anyone who is using this as an indication of Jamal's character should be ashamed of themselves. They are quite simply exploiting an 18 year old kid for their own notoriety. Completely inexcusable.

Well said. Now someone please email Spielman and those other grandpas at 97.1 so they can understand.
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Carmen Ohio;1491838; said:
His lawyer (said to be one of Miami's best criminal defense attorneys) reportedly entered a not guilty plea and there might be some kind of deal in the works. Reports say he also waived arraignment but was supposed to appear at a hearinig tomorrow. If there is a deal it might be discussed then.

Thanks for the info Carmen Ohio!!
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Buckrock;1491827; said:
One can only he hope he learns from this lesson and changes his group of friends. Best of luck moving forward. Keep your head on straight JB! :oh:

I've heard JB's already taken a big first step in that regard.



joefoshow;1491840; said:
Thats true but for Boom to become the best he can be he needs to just work on being able to get through the holes in the offensive line before a linebacker plugs it up.

Judging by his late season performances, most notably scUM and Texas, I'd say he's at least two steps ahead of you (and Morgan :slappy: Trent).
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Berry charge reduced

Jaamal Berry's future with the Ohio State football team looks a lot brighter now that his drug-possession charge has been reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor.

Berry was arrested June 11 in his hometown of Miami after running a stop sign. Police found a bag of marijuana in his back seat (there were no passengers) containing 28 grams (nearly an ounce). Berry told the officer he had recently purchased the drugs and was planning to smoke it soon with a friend.

In Florida, that is a third-degree felony, and that cast some serious doubt onto his future as an OSU incoming freshman running back.

Under the school's code of conduct, students convicted of a felony could be suspended or even dismissed from school.

It's not clear when this change occurred, but court records show the charge now is possession of marijuana in the amount of 0-20 grams. That is a first-degree misdemeanor, which makes a huge difference.

Now, no matter what the outcome of the case, Berry's discipline will be almost solely at the discretion of coach Jim Tressel and athletic department officials.

If convicted, it still would count as a first offense under the department's drug and alcohol policy, which means Berry would be subject to counseling and drug testing.

Berry reported for the start of summer quarter classes on June 22, and is enrolled.

He was scheduled for an arraignment this morning in Miami-Dade County Municipal Court, but whether that took place is unclear. Records show that on June 26, he entered a written plea of not guilty and the arraignment was waived.

Berry charge reduced (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Best Buckeye;1493270; said:
It remains to be seen if he can stay off the drugs, Hope so.

You act like he was arrested while driving a Meth Lab on wheels. It was pot. I'm not looking to get into the pot argument and by no means do I condone smoking reefer but cut the kid some slack. Kid smoked weed, sounds like he owned up to it and has made some big changes. As far as I know, he doesn't have a history of drug abuse aside from this one instance.
Jaamal is going to be just fine here and I look forward to seeing his progression on and off the field. :oh:
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Wells4Heisman;1493122; said:
Dont know if anyone's seen this photo yet but thought I'd share it.

Although I like the jersey and look forward to Berry on Saturdays, I don't think that's a very flattering picture. He looks wiped out and in a daze... Typically he seems like more of an imposing person.
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