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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

I don't want to talk about the play that knocked Boom out but before that the play where he took a swing pass, should of been tackled 2 yards in the backfield, but got the 2 yards needed to keep a drive going on 3rd and 2...

I love the formation with Boom in the pistol, behind Pryor...I hope that he gets healthy soon so we can see more of it...
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I've watched the play over a couple of times and I think that your impression is a pretty fair accounting of what I've seen every time I've watched.

generaladm;1284848; said:
There have been people who saw it as an incidental play. I'm firm in my stance. It was a pass play where TP was biding his time.

Agreed so far.

generaladm;1284848; said:
Boom came all the way across from left to right, IIRC. There would have been no reason for him to block, he was looking back at TP signaling he was open.

Yep. That's what I saw too.

generaladm;1284848; said:
I've heard people say the LB rolled off Hartline and just threw a shot at the first white jersey he saw. That's still an illegal play, because the ball was still in the QBs hands (never left).

Bingo... We have a winner. It's the fact that he rolled off Brian that made me think that the hit was a bad hit. I don't understand, however, why he would roll off a WR to put a hit on a RB when the QB is still looking to throw the ball. That, to me, signals headhunting... and taking a big chance as a defender to roll off someone who's job it is to catch the ball to take out a RB who is less likely to have the ball thown his way. Just doesn't make sense to me other than he saw a chance to lay someone out and took it.

generaladm;1284848; said:
I contend that the LB deliberately lined up the head shot.
I'm going to choose not to go this far. Hard to say that the head shot was his intent... a big hit... I'll go there... but the intentional head shot may be a bit much. You could be right... but at the end of the day... we'll never know.

generaladm;1284848; said:
It did happen fast, so there is a chance in was not intentional. Regardless, it was a dangerous play.

Agree in spades on both counts.

generaladm;1284848; said:
Boom was out before he hit the ground. Do you remember when Kevin Stevens of the Pittsburgh Penguins shattered his skull hitting the ice unconscious? It was a lot like that. Boom's helmet nearly came off on the initial impact. He realistically could have broken his neck if he had fell differently. I doubt any disciplinary action will be taken. I'm just glad Boom seems to be okay.

Let's just hope that after that game both Boom and Dane will be ok going forward. Sucks to see our boys get hurt like that, that's for damn sure. Don't mind seeing a good clean hit, and even then you'll have someone get hurt, but one guy involved in a couple of hits like that makes me raise an eyebrow.

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October 8, 2008

Player safety? Bah....

Reporters who attended the Big Ten football meetings in late July sat through a presentation about officiating points of emphasis for the 2008 season. Part of it was accompanied by a film, showing helmet-to-helmet hits and horse-collar tackles that were supposed to be called more stringently this season.
Last Saturday in Wisconsin, Badgers safety Jay Valai took a shot -- clearly helmet-to-helmet -- on OSU running back Boom Herron, who was knocked cold and will miss this week. No penalty was called, which I said in an earlier entry I understand...the refs can't see everything.
I thought OSU cornerback Shaun Lane termed it best: He called it a "free shot" not necessarily a cheap shot. Still, it was clearly against the rules.
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I think he's done a great job hitting open holes.... He runs like beanie and has the same vision as Beanie but just isn't as big/strong as Wells so he doesn't break all those tackles. I think Herron back in the lineup would be HUGE.
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bukIpower;1301299; said:
I think he's done a great job hitting open holes.... He runs like beanie and has the same vision as Beanie but just isn't as big/strong as Wells so he doesn't break all those tackles. I think Herron back in the lineup would be HUGE.

I hope he's able to play so we can use more of the pistol formation with both Boom and Beanie in the backfield.

That has to be my favorite formation we put on the field. I mean honestly, the running threat we have with Beanie, TP, and Boom all in the backfield is great.
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bukIpower;1301299; said:
I think he's done a great job hitting open holes.... He runs like beanie and has the same vision as Beanie but just isn't as big/strong as Wells so he doesn't break all those tackles. I think Herron back in the lineup would be HUGE.

I would agree that he does a great job at hitting holes but not sure if I would put him in the same category as Beanie as far as vision goes at this stage. Maybe the same level as a freshman Beanie. I also think he runs a little more like Pittman IMHO. He is definitely our #2 back - much better than Rasta or Saine.
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lol well that makes sense since this is a freshman Boom :tongue2:

Seriously though I hear ya on the pistol formation. I love the option of having any of the three (pryor/beanie/boom) take the ball on any given down. However, I think the biggest reason we need Boom back is what he brings to the table when beanie has to go out for a breather. I really like his recieving ability in the backfield as well and for a guy somewhere around 200 he's a tough runner. IMO, he will be much like Pittman and will probably put up better career numbers than Pittman due to the fact that Herron will probably stay all 4 years. Not to mention I think Herron is going to end up with better numbers than Pittman's freshman year compared to his own.

Is he definately going to play this saturday??? Speaking of head injuries isn't playing with a mild concussion not a smart thing to do??? That #7 is really going to be hurting if he's left one on one with Pryor/Beanie thats for sure.
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Boom listed as the third guy at running back. Could this be because Mo Wells is the better blocker and the coaches think that will be needed more against State Penn? Or are they still trying to protect Herron? Or both?
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Taosman;1301872; said:
Boom listed as the third guy at running back. Could this be because Mo Wells is the better blocker and the coaches think that will be needed more against State Penn? Or are they still trying to protect Herron? Or both?

I think the coaches believe that a healthy Boom in the #2 RB, but since the depth chart is released before Tuesday's practice, they weren't sure how ready to play he'll be on Saturday.
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bukIpower;1301299; said:
I think he's done a great job hitting open holes.... He runs like beanie and has the same vision as Beanie but just isn't as big/strong as Wells so he doesn't break all those tackles. I think Herron back in the lineup would be HUGE.

Boom still has to work on being more patient, which is a problem that Beanie self-professed to having too early last season. To be patient, the back has to be in a rhythm and to be in rhythm he's got to have reps. I think that's why they want to give Boom a lot of reps.
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