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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

LitlBuck;1282466; said:
I like the formation with both Boom and Beanie the backfield both at once like they started out last night. Gives another option for the defense to worry about.:)

Me to. It just goes to show you how highly Tressel thinks of Boom to put him in the game with Beanie.
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LitlBuck;1282458; said:
I believe that type of hitting is fine and in the rules of if you're on the field your head should be on a swivel but it's the helmet to helmet that I don't like. I really don't care if a guy is being paid or not and when you' play any sport you expect the guy you're playing against to try and not deliberately hurt you.

So you really think Heyward was coming back without KO intentions? Sorry man, but you are dead wrong on that assumption.

We praise Jack Tatum...even name an award after him, but its dirty and deliberate if it happens to us.

I don't buy it. Its football, its savage, and it happens.
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osugrad21;1282529; said:
So you really think Heyward was coming back without KO intentions? Sorry man, but you are dead wrong on that assumption.

We praise Jack Tatum...even name an award after him, but its dirty and deliberate if it happens to us.

I don't buy it. Its football, its savage, and it happens.

Yep. If it's before the whistle, it's fair game. If that was Russell, Coleman, Hines or anybody, we'd be praising him for a helluva hit.
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My only question about that play was whether or not Pryor was already down or if Herron technically still an available receiver before Valai nailed him.

I would think that if Pryor was still on his feet, Herron was still an eligible receiver and that contact would constitute an illegal chuck. Maybe Pryor had to pull it down because Herron got hit.
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scooter1369;1282575; said:
My only question about that play was whether or not Pryor was already down or if Herron technically still an available receiver before Valai nailed him.

I would think that if Pryor was still on his feet, Herron was still an eligible receiver and that contact would constitute an illegal chuck. Maybe Pryor had to pull it down because Herron got hit.

That was my only problem with the play. It looked like Herron was looking to get open, then got leveled. That hit isn't much different to me than a crack block from a WR or blindside on a punt return, but it's a penalty if Pryor is still behind the LOS and in-bounds.
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Jake;1282444; said:
No pass was thrown so it can't be PI, and there is no illegal contact penalty in college football. That's an NFL rule.

yeah, it certainly wasn't dirty. there could be an arguement made for helmet to... lower face... but even if it were helmet to helmet that doesn't make it dirty. i was actually trying to come up with some kind of penalty after the play had happened but couldn't come up with one. hell, we had one of our de's "escort" manningham off the field once about 10 - 15 yrds off the line of scrimmage in 06 i believe. don't recall anyone one this board crying foul then :wink:.

*shrug* i hate seeing it happen to one of our guys. but it was a good hit. im just glad boom is ok. something for him to keep in the back of his mind for next season. paybacks a bitch.
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LitlBuck;1282466; said:
I like the formation with both Boom and Beanie the backfield both at once like they started out last night. Gives another option for the defense to worry about.:)

So do I! It gives the defense a lot to worry about out of the backfield as we saw last night.
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martinss01;1282636; said:
yeah, it certainly wasn't dirty. there could be an arguement made for helmet to... lower face... but even if it were helmet to helmet that doesn't make it dirty. i was actually trying to come up with some kind of penalty after the play had happened but couldn't come up with one. hell, we had one of our de's "escort" manningham off the field once about 10 - 15 yrds off the line of scrimmage in 06 i believe. don't recall anyone one this board crying foul then :wink:.

*shrug* i hate seeing it happen to one of our guys. but it was a good hit. im just glad boom is ok. something for him to keep in the back of his mind for next season. paybacks a bitch.
I really hope that someone on the Wisky staff teaches their players to keep their heads up when making tackles. I saw a lot of helmet leading, and whether you want a team to win or not, you never want to see someone get injured severely. I'm glad that it wasn't "too" serious with Danny but I know that feeling where you get a head on hit and just drop face down, I definately hope he gets better soon.
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GoodLifeSean;1282737; said:
I really hope that someone on the Wisky staff teaches their players to keep their heads up when making tackles. I saw a lot of helmet leading, and whether you want a team to win or not, you never want to see someone get injured severely. I'm glad that it wasn't "too" serious with Danny but I know that feeling where you get a head on hit and just drop face down, I definately hope he gets better soon.

For everyone's sake you hope that players keep their heads up...as it can hurt the defensive player as well.

I agree with Grad though...it's a rough game played by folks who are trying to punish the other side on every play.

Back on Boom, I continue to like the way he runs....he runs hard and keeps his legs driving. People will hate this, but I see him very similarly to Mike Hart although Hart was a bit shiftier. Nevertheless, a guy who runs well between the tackles and rarely goes backwards. I can see why the staff has been so impressed with him.
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My only problem with the non-call is the continued display of inconsistent calls in the B10. I refer back to the call against the Buckeyes vs. Indiana...Ted Ginn was returning a KO for TD (or maybe a punt) and there was a penalty called on the Bucks for "hitting a defensless player". This seemed similar. I thought both plays were clean, but the rules were administered inconsistently.
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NFBuck;1282563; said:
Yep. If it's before the whistle, it's fair game. If that was Russell, Coleman, Hines or anybody, we'd be praising him for a helluva hit.

Exactly. A Buckeye completely rocked a Minny player on a kick-off return and the crowd went crazy. I don't know who it was, but the Gofer was out cold. And then he tried (and failed) a few times to get up. Awesome. And the crowd went crazy. Let's not be too hypocritical.
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Jake;1282445; said:
I only saw the replay once but I didn't think it was helmet-to-helmet. It looked more like he got his shoulder pads under Boom's chin, which would also be a knockout blow.

It looks like you and I are the only two here who think it was a shoulder-to-chin hit. I've watched it several times and it sure looks like shoulder-to-chin to me...
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