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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

strohs;1244393; said:
The MRI will tell all, but I think its just a sprain
It looked to me like he panicked a little, and I dont blame him (first game of the year, I can imagine his mind was racing)

Yeah, Bryant Browning said that he was on the ground screaming, "I broke it!! It's broke...FUUUUUUUCK!!!!"

That's most likely the initial reaction of everyone though.
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Okay, I can see where fans of other teams get sick of us when ESPN gives 412 Beanie Wells "updates" that essentially say nothing. I love the Bucks and I'm getting sick of hearing them, over and over again. :sick1:

We're not going to know anything even semi-official until tomorrow. Everything between now and then is just noise.
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Jake;1244513; said:
Okay, I can see where fans of other teams get sick of us when ESPN gives 412 Beanie Wells "updates" that essentially say nothing. I love the Bucks and I'm getting sick of hearing them, over and over again. :sick1:

We're not going to know anything even semi-official until tomorrow. Everything between now and then is just noise.
If I were a Mizzou fan I'd be pissed.

I haven't heard one word on Maclin, and he went down with what looked like the exact same thing.
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Thats true haha... but I'm sure the only reason they are updating everyone on the Beanie Wells injury is due to the fact we're headed out to USC in a few weeks and Mizzou doesn't have a game of that magnitude.

That and now all the analysts have a solid excuse to pick the Buckeyes to lose. They always love giving us crap, and never have any faith in us for some reason.
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Jake;1244513; said:
Okay, I can see where fans of other teams get sick of us when ESPN gives 412 Beanie Wells "updates" that essentially say nothing. I love the Bucks and I'm getting sick of hearing them, over and over again. :sick1:

We're not going to know anything even semi-official until tomorrow. Everything between now and then is just noise.

Dryden;1244514; said:
If I were a Mizzou fan I'd be pissed.

I haven't heard one word on Maclin, and he went down with what looked like the exact same thing.

They are doing it because its a chance to pimp the OSU/USC game every 5 seconds.
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Dryden;1244514; said:
If I were a Mizzou fan I'd be pissed.

I haven't heard one word on Maclin, and he went down with what looked like the exact same thing.

Yeah, and he was on crutches, which makes it look like it was worse.

I agree with it being a ploy to pimp the OSU/USC game. That or they just like to kick Ohio State while they're down (also very likely).
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Jaxbuck;1244517; said:
They are doing it because its a chance to pimp the OSU/USC game every 5 seconds.

I believe that all of the Beanie updates are ONLY because we are set to play USC. Without that pending event, I doubt that the difference between Macklin coverage and Beanie coverage would be significant.
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