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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Thunder Dan;1244822; said:
yeah it's a good thing he isn't a race horse, he would be glue right now

Nah, as high profile as he is, Peta would likely buy him to try and save him. :biggrin:

But seriously I hope he gets a complete recovery for his futures sake-no matter how long it takes...it sucks watching this happen to such a nice kid.

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MDBuckeyeFan;1244384; said:
I was diagnosed with turf toe last summer. After chasing my 3 year old up a very step incline in sandals at the rest area in WV along I-79.

Swelled up really bad! I thought it was broken. I had it wrapped for about 3 weeks and then got informed to buy better shoes :biggrin: It still from time to time bothers me, like yesterday when I was standing on it a lot in bare feet. Needless to say I have still be chasing my now 4 year old and 2 year old around since that time and just deal with it. :)

You think you'll be ready to go for the USC game? :p
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Buckeye Chris;1244998; said:
ESPN didnt say that, ESPN said a friend of Beanie told someone that told ESPN he hurt his big toe, :P

"Coming up on Sportscenter, the latest on Beanie Wells' injury, and what it means for Brett Favre. We'll have reaction and analysis from Tony Kornheiser, Mark May, Stephen A. Smith, Dick Vitale, Ed Werder, Orestes Destrade, Colin Cowherd, Dr. Jerry Punch, Bill Walton, Woody Paige, Dan LeBatard and the San Diego Chicken!"
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UpNorth_Buckeye;1244622; said:
If he does play against USC, he would more than likely not play the next two weeks, or very little, against Troy and Minnesota, so that he will be well ready for the game against Wisconsin.

Thank you for that..................................................................whatever that was.
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May have been mentioned already, but I really think he dislocated the big toe. Not a tendon tear, not turf toe, just plain had the thing pop out on him before he took that handoff. Not sure on the recovery time if indeed this turns out to be the case. Unfortunately, Antonio Gates had this happen last year and we all saw how long he was out.
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Buckeye_in_Cali;1245017; said:
May have been mentioned already, but I really think he dislocated the big toe. Not a tendon tear, not turf toe, just plain had the thing pop out on him before he took that handoff. Not sure on the recovery time if indeed this turns out to be the case. Unfortunately, Antonio Gates had this happen last year and we all saw how long he was out.

That would have shown up on a x-ray, no?
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I'm too lazy and tired to read through to see so I'll just ask straight up: How is Beanie doing after that injury yesterday? What is the extent of the injury? When will he be back? Will he play against USCw? And if so, how close to 100% can we expect him to be. As always, thanks.:osu:
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Smooth Olaf;1245022; said:
Is there any update on Joseph Barksdale?
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hawaiianbuckeye;1244821; said:
I've got a sneaky "suspicion" :biggrin: that it's tendons or ligaments in his big toe! Severity? I don't know. Hold his arse out this week and get him as well as possible for USC.

I would say that not only would him being held out (till the USC game) benefit his recovery, but it would help our team our in a BIG way! We all know what capabilities this offense has with its biggest star, a win without it over a MAC team would only amp up everyone else's confidence. Boeckman would know that the pressure is on him to lead and play a bit more sharper, the receivers would feel the need to fight a little harder to get more open, the younger backs will get some great experience, and finally the line would be need to be that much more in sync.

Basically after my entire rant, I think Beanie being a no show for USC would be beneficial.
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Buckeyes to wait and see with Wells
Tailback getting treatment for foot injury
Monday, September 1, 2008
By Tim May


Fred Squillante | dispatch
Chris "Beanie" Wells is helped off the field Saturday against Youngstown State. X-rays showed no broken bones in his right foot.

There was no official word on the status of injured Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells yesterday, but he gave a thumbs up to Jamaal Berry.

Berry, one of the top running back prospects in the country, gave a thumbs up to Ohio State by becoming the 25th commitment to its 2009 recruiting class. He also might have gotten the scoop on Wells, whom he saw report to the Woody Hayes Athletic Center for treatment on his injured right foot yesterday.

"He said he's going to be OK," said Berry, who was visiting from Miami Palmetto High School. "I asked him how he was doing, and he seemed cool with it. He wasn't down or anything. He was like, 'No problem.'

"I guess he'll be back, if not this week (against Ohio University), he'll be fine by next week" for the trip to No. 3 Southern California.

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Buckeyes to wait and see with Wells
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