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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

I have seen the film of the so called top 5 running backs in the 06 class, and if Chris Wells isn't the top back in this class then there is a conspiracy. Best videos bar none.
There clearly is an incentive for the commercial recruit-ranking businesses to give greater attention to guys who haven't committed anywhere. I don't know that I'd consider this a conspiracy.

SCHWAB said:
i dont care if he's ranked 123rd. he will put the uni on and be the best when it counts. give him 1 star and maybe that way everyone will quit calling him.
Schwab hits the point. A lot of people here have seen CW play, or at least have seen some videos and some physical measurable that allow them to know roughly what he brings to the table. More importantly, everyone here knows that the OSU coaching staffs opinion of CW is reflected in the fact that they clearly made him a top-flight priority for '06. Given those factors, who gives a damn how the commercial recruit-evaluation businesses sort out the totem pole? Those rankings have a substantial BS factor. Here's the factor that counts: the OSU staff wanted one running back for '06 first and foremost.
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I don't know if CW is the best running back in the nation or if his films are the best, but of the top eight or so running backs that I've seen film of this year his game traslates best to the next level. He has some speed and can be elusive, but give me a big hammer of a TB who has good vision over the little quick guys who can't run between the tackles. A 4.4 running back may outrace a 4.7 lb or two, but he isn't going to outrace an entire college defense the what he did in high school (I'm talking about guys like the highly rated kid from Las Vegas). He's the next Lorenzo Booker. A highlight film high school back who struggles in college.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>Wells Is Ohio High No. 1, With Video Interview

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>

Chris Wells

</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Bucknuts.com Staff
Date: May 31, 2005

We've been clear for quite some time that Chris Wells of Akron Garfield was the Ohio High No. 1 prospect in the spring top 100, so this revelation comes as no surprise. We do have a bonus feature today though as Steve Helwagen caught up with Wells last weekend for a video interview, in which Wells discusses his plans as far as enrolling at OSU and what caused him to pick the Buckeyes. Click the link to take a look.
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yeah I think Chris is the best available also..... he's a taller version of Maurice Clarett (none of the side effects tho, well atleast we hope). Reason I say so is their weight is the same, and they both ran 4.5's in the 40 their senior season. Not to mention Chris is coming early.

Its almost striking how simular Chris and Adrian Peterson look almost exactly alike. I think Chris has the same type of running style that Adrian does also, but I do think Chris has a thicker frame so he might be a better inside runner. Anyhow I can't wait till chris gets here because it'll be dejavu for Texas all over again when they have to face Chris and then Adrian in the same year.
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ScarletInMyVeins said:
okay... at the risk of getting beaten up by everyone on this board... what kind of hat was he wearing in every shot but the close up? Kinda looked like a Texas hat. Not saying that means anything....

Okay, stomp away :biggrin:
Nick Mangold wore a Texas hat all the time after he committed. Texas hats are "cool" to wear-you don't wear an OSU hat unless you are a fan. That said, my favorite hat is a University of Cincinnati cap-it fits my head perfectly, and complements my clothes.
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DCBuckFan said:
Didn't Max also rank MoC as a FB? Maybe it was someone else, D Feurgeson or someone, but I remember another big RB getting ranked as a FB incorrectly.
It was MoC if I remember correctly. I do not think it is necessarily an incorrect rating but rather a better way to describe monstrous RBs like Clarett and Wells. I'd agree tho, they aren't FB's.
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I remember onething for sure, lemming only had carwasher mc on the last few rankings of his top 100 list and at the ending he made him the main man:! usa today and max always had him as a fb but, at least he had him on the rankibgs in the beginning not the ending like lemomhead did, but people pay for the unknown and who to trust.:(
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