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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Wells is going to be a big part of a special offensive class. With him, we have a possibly faster version of MoC (without the baggage), to along with a great dual-threat QB in Antonio Henton, an athletic skyscraper WR in Josh Chichester, and a strong and sure-handed TE in Jacob Ballard.
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I have really high hopes for C Wells. He seems to have all the tools, a great attitude, and a fantastic trainer in Butch reynolds, who will be joining him at tOSU.

I hope he breaks the string of controversy/non-performance we've had with other #1 rated backs we've brought in in the last 10-15 years

Nick Goings
Sam Maldanado
Robert Smith
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Chris got mentioned in this week's Sports Illustrated.

Page 29, article titled OSU-Turn:

"The announcement of Oden's commitment overshadowed the decision last week of Antonio Henton, a top quarterback prospect, to sign with OSU, which has also snagged Akron's Chris Wells, the nation's top high school running back."
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Wells is going to be a big part of a special offensive class. With him, we have a possibly faster version of MoC (without the baggage), to along with a great dual-threat QB in Antonio Henton, an athletic skyscraper WR in Josh Chichester, and a strong and sure-handed TE in Jacob Ballard.
along with the possible commitments of both David Ausberry and Konrad Reuland out of California, this could indeed be a very speical class filled wiht a bunch of great playmakers.
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wdg01 said:
Chris is the #3 prospect according to scout...
<TABLE id=Cell0_DataGrid1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center bgColor=#eeeeee><TD> RB </TD><TD> 3 </TD><TD> <NOBR>
</TD><TD> Chris Wells

(Garfield HS)
Akron, OH

Seems like the kids that commit early always drop a spot or two. That way they can keep up the interest level of 'where will the number one guy go?' Make no mistake about it if Chris Wells was still available he'd be ranked one.
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USC Rivals $

looks like Beanie's going to be taking some visits. he hasn't told the staff yet that he wants to, but he doesn't think they'll care. says that USC and Miami are two that he will take. his dad is encouraging him to take visits. his dad was/is a Miami fan. i guess USC has been in strong contact with him since his verbal. says that he thinks the only way he'd change his mind about tOSU is if they get into trouble, and he also wants to see how the RB's do this year, whatever that means.
i can't take a bunch of drama with this kid.
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OSUBucks22 said:
USC Rivals $

looks like Beanie's going to be taking some visits. he hasn't told the staff yet that he wants to, but he doesn't think they'll care. says that USC and Miami are two that he will take. his dad is encouraging him to take visits. his dad was/is a Miami fan. i guess USC has been in strong contact with him since his verbal. says that he thinks the only way he'd change his mind about tOSU is if they get into trouble, and he also wants to see how the RB's do this year, whatever that means.
i can't take a bunch of drama with this kid.
If I'm the #1 RB recruit in the country, I've already committed to tOSU, and USC and Miami still want me to visit on their dime, then I'd definitely take a weekend vacation to L.A. and Miami. I don't see any drama on the horizon with this kid. If tOSU does get into trouble, then I see no problem with him wanting to go elsewhere. When that doesn't happen, and he's running around in scarlet and gray next year, I'll be very happy to see him playing for the good guys.
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OSUBucks22 said:
looks like Beanie's going to be taking some visits. he hasn't told the staff yet that he wants to, but he doesn't think they'll care.

i can't take a bunch of drama with this kid.
Like hell they wont care.
I am sure they will let him, a la Worthington last year, but I doubt they will like it.

I am with on this one, I cant take any drama...
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I think that it shouldn't influence his decision. He's the thunder to our current 3's lightning. Wells WILL see playing time his freshman year, no matter how well our RB's do this year- that's a guarantee. He's too talented to keep off of the field.
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BuckTwenty said:
I think that it shouldn't influence his decision. He's the thunder to our current 3's lightning. Wells WILL see playing time his freshman year, no matter how well our RB's do this year- that's a guarantee. He's too talented to keep off of the field.
He is also enrolling for the Winter quarter (correct?) ala MoC. He will be ready and will most definently get solid reps at RB throughout his freshman year. He will have a legit shot at taking over the starting job too(not to sort change any of our current RBs and we'll have to see how each perform this season, but it will be a good competition in '06).
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