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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Jaxbuck;1060812; said:
He wasn't getting enough touches in the first half and even if you want to use the 2nd quarter when we got behind it was still so early that you didn't have to give up on the run. 9 carries in the first half is just not enough.

2 years in a row now, when we have gotten into trouble we didn't go to our bread and butter.

More specifically, I was surprised we didn't return to the base ISO play that scored the touchdown and that we pounded tsun with. I'd guess we only ran two or three the rest of the game. When Beanie did get his touches, in many cases he didn't have a fullback, or he was asked to run a toss sweep.

No one blocks the base ISO better than tOSU at the end of the season. And no one runs it better than Beanie.
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Gatorubet;1060826; said:
Not to start anything, but isn't that just what Tress did last year? After the Buck TD, the next series was all passes.

Jaxbuck;1060832; said:
You are not starting anything, its exactly what happened.

I agree that it was the same.

The part that confuses me in that consideration is the personnel. Putting the game in Troy's hands last year did not concern me quite as much. Antonio was a good back, but was, IMO, not as intricate to our success last year. But putting it in Todd's hands instead of Beanie's was really odd.
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osugirl2012;1060787; said:
I completely agree. I wish we could've seen Beanie get the ball more often. I am SO excited about how well he has done this past season, and will continue to do next season. I love watching him play.

just highlighting what JT said in the post-game presser:

Q. Could you talk about Beanie's start and did you guys have to at any time get away from the game plan of running him?

COACH JIM TRESSEL: You know, I thought that Beanie is the kind of guy that he loves to pound it in there. And he can really seize the tempo of a game.

I think where we did lose a little bit was LSU did such a nice job of keeping the football and didn't seem like we had as many possessions as you'd like to have in that first half, especially.

So when you get behind, it does change your game plan a little. Not dramatically. But they did a good job of playing with their front and bringing people on blitzes and so forth, which sometimes when you overload the box it's tough, I don't care how good your back is. You're not going to be able to gain yards if there's more people than you can block.


Pretty simple and straightforward thinking (as usual). Beanie had more success running when TB was having success throwing. As LSU got better at attacking TB and shutting down our receivers, they were able to shift their focus to stuffing the box and shutting down the run.

Nothing to really curious or puzzling, imo...
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Sure it was supposed to be different, but the fact is, we got shutdown. Pressure was pretty consistent, and I thought the left side was going to break down almost every play after the 1st quarter. Fact is, you can't run every down, you can't pass every down. When the pass game got shutdown the run game followed. LSU had such an impressive defensive presence, even Beanie was limited I think, and I don't blame the play calling. Sure, a few more runs would have been alright, but the Tigers wouldn't make the same mistake twice of letting Beanie get by. It was just good solid defensive play, and that put #28 in a weak position.
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We weren't behind when we stopped passing the ball either.... We were KILLING them right up the middle and off tackle all half! Beanie is the best running back out there he has the best combo of speed/strength that I've seen (I'm only 22 guys so cut me a break!). Beanie would've done his best to win us that game had we gave him the 35-40 carries he deserves. Chris Wells is our playmaker. Not Todd Boeckman, Not Robo, not Hartline, and not Ray Small. Tressel dropped the ball here by trying to be balanced. I'm all for balance but when a team isn't stopping the run even though they knw its coming you don't stop doing whats successful.
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bukIpower;1061460; said:
We weren't behind when we stopped passing the ball either.... We were KILLING them right up the middle and off tackle all half! Beanie is the best running back out there he has the best combo of speed/strength that I've seen (I'm only 22 guys so cut me a break!). Beanie would've done his best to win us that game had we gave him the 35-40 carries he deserves. Chris Wells is our playmaker. Not Todd Boeckman, Not Robo, not Hartline, and not Ray Small. Tressel dropped the ball here by trying to be balanced. I'm all for balance but when a team isn't stopping the run even though they knw its coming you don't stop doing whats successful.

I couldn't agree more. We stopped giving the ball to our best RB and best chance to score! Plain and simple. Hell, we could set up Beanie for a screen pass and let him run it that way. Then there's Brandon Saine, fastest guy on the Buckeye offense and he's not running much either. I'm just an armchair QB, but shouldn't we exploit the guys making the big plays? Nope, instead we play freaking jump ball. That play calling sucked as viewed from my LazyBoy.
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Honestly the penalties killed us, Hartline with that 15. I mean and Robiskie, I agree we should have ran more, but had we gotten the ball back and not hit the punter we would have been able to. Boeckman played decent but two interceptions and a fumble and its tough to win any game, let alone against a good LSU team.
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OSUBucksfan09;1061495; said:
Honestly the penalties killed us, Hartline with that 15. I mean and Robiskie, I agree we should have ran more, but had we gotten the ball back and not hit the punter we would have been able to. Boeckman played decent but two interceptions and a fumble and its tough to win any game, let alone against a good LSU team.

True, all that being said we beat ourselves. We needed to play a perfect game against LSU (coaches and players). That should have been a 3 point game either way. The naysayers will pound the Buckeyes for months. We will analyze the game for months and the result will be the same. I didn't see one pass to a TE, could that have been an option or were they all busy double teaming Dorsey? I'm just saying.
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