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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

matcar;1566386; said:
I think the fact that Boom is out for the game makes this clear...this is because of Boom's injury. Otherwise JT would continue to 1A/1B plan.

I know... I just think it's weird that they didn't pull Herron off the depth chart like they did for Cordle, Larimore, etc...

Plus Saine was the only offensive winning grade against Wisky.
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NateG;1566407; said:
I know... I just think it's weird that they didn't pull Herron off the depth chart like they did for Cordle, Larimore, etc...

Plus Saine was the only offensive winning grade against Wisky.

It could be to avoid confusion in the depth chart beyond that. I guess No.1 would be Saine, followed by Jordan Hall. Then after that No.3 could be either Jermil or Jaamal.....they may not know just yet whether Jaamal is available or not. The way the depth chart is portrayed is convenient for now.
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Carrying the load

Running back Brandon Saine said he's ready for anything this week at Purdue. Daniel Herron will sit out because of a sprained ankle, leaving Saine and freshman Jordan Hall as the two tailbacks with game experience.

Two weeks ago at Indiana, with Herron out, Saine got his first career start and responded with 113 yards on 17 carries.

"I'm ready for as many as they want to give me," Saine said. "I'm definitely excited for the game, and I can't wait to see what happens."

BuckeyeXtra - OSU notebook: Added pounds help Coleman take pounding
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1570792; said:
You can't? All I had to do was look at the scoreboard. To their credit, Purdue made Ohio State one dimensional.

Ohio State made Ohio State one dimensional in the second half. Saine was averaging more than 4 yards a carry and we were only down 9 after their opening drive td in the 3rd quarter. How is being down 9 with 25 minutes of game left force us to only pass it? Poor play calling imo
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I agree. They must have no confidence in Brandon, but not sure what he has done to deserve this. Avg over 5 yrds a carry in all of his games, makes unbelievable catches, and yrs after the touches. I am just completely baffled by Saturdays game. The Buckeyes over the past few weeks have regressing backwards. You can see it and feel it. They are trying to put every game on Terrell's shoulders. This is Major College football not High School football. No doubt in my mind Brandon could have had a 100 yrd game. The coaching staff definately laid an egg on Saturday. What a waste of God Given talent in my book. Almost wished he would have went somewhere else where he could blossom
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You can't? All I had to do was look at the scoreboard. To their credit, Purdue made Ohio State one dimensional.

Disagree as well. There was no reason for us to abandon the run game when it was the one thing that was working. We will never know but I think when the coaches evaluate how they did and what calls they made I think they will see they ditched the traditional run game a little too soon.

Fact is Ohio State tried to use the short passing game to keep drives alive and they were unable to do it.
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Ohio State Buckeyes know it would be insane to again overlook Brandon Saine
By Doug Lesmerises
October 23, 2009

COLUMBUS -- Brandon Saine popped through a hole, past three ideal blocks on the Purdue linebackers and into the end zone for a 15-yard touchdown run, giving Ohio State's tailback six carries for 50 yards on the day and giving the Buckeyes a comfortable two-score lead.

That's what it looked like. But that second-quarter touchdown last Saturday was called back by a holding penalty, beginning a downward spiral for the Buckeyes that ended in a 24-16 loss to the Boilermakers and barely included Saine at all. In the second half, he carried once, for no yards, with Ohio State's other 34 plays after halftime either passes or runs by Terrelle Pryor.

That wasn't the plan. But the Buckeyes backed themselves into a situation that almost forced them away from their run game. Of the first six times Ohio State started first-and-10 in the second half, one play was a wild option pitch by Pryor that was intended for Saine but ended in a fumble and a 6-yard loss, and three other plays were false starts on the offensive line that pushed the Buckeyes back into first-and-15.


OSU running back Brandon Saine only carried seven times against Purdue. Tressel will attend Ohio State banquet in Cleveland

"Did we consciously want him to carry seven times? No," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said. "If you asked us going into the game what would you wish for, you'd like for him to have a 100-yard game. And one of the carries he had [the touchdown on the penalty] was a pretty good one not in the stats. It's not like we didn't want him to carry. Was it a good decision not to have him carry? I guess not."

Ohio State Buckeyes know it would be insane to again overlook Brandon Saine | Ohio State Buckeyes - cleveland.com - - cleveland.com
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"Did we consciously want him to carry seven times? No," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said. "If you asked us going into the game what would you wish for, you'd like for him to have a 100-yard game. And one of the carries he had [the touchdown on the penalty] was a pretty good one not in the stats. It's not like we didn't want him to carry. Was it a good decision not to have him carry? I guess not."

Next time I post here, I want to be able to say "what a great day Zoom had and running for 100 yards really helped the cause against the Gophers". That is is all...
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