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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

Bucknuts $

3 new clips of film.

Like the majority, I see his future somewhere else other than running back, probably on defense.

EDIT: Make sure you watch the 1st clip, around the 1 minute mark he shows how much speed he has tracking down a kick returner. Amazing speed.
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This kid has got some other world speed. Easily a 4.3 or 4.4 guy without question. The speed looks like it translates pretty well onto the field which is a good thing. Lots of times you get guys who are track studs like Brandon and put them out on the football field and they look slower than guys they are indeed faster than on a track. Brandon seems to be a real football player and not just a track guy trying to play football. I agree that his future is on D, but if he shows good enough hands I could also see him at WR.
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I looked on www.bucknuts.com and saw that there is a video of him. the URL is: http://story.scout.com/a.z?s=145&p=2&c=515035&ssf=1&RequestedURL=http%3a%2f%2fohiostate.scout.com%2f2%2f515035.html remember only members have access, so if some1 is a member, PLEASE post it on here. thanks!

You have to have premium for that and nobody is allowed to post much premium info like quotes or the article. However this video below of Saine is free at Sunshine preps.

Saine Video
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I've seen the kid play since he was a sophomore, and he is one of the best players I have ever seen. I've actually met him, and he's a kind, well-rounded guy. A lot of players at Piqua are going to be getting recruiting attention soon. Justin Hemm will be a Junior QB, and is very good. But back to Saine. I was in the Stadium against the Trojans, and the kickoff tackle that he made was the greatest play of all. In Ohio's longest running rivalries, he kept us in the game with that tackle.

Oh and by the way, I am on the 8th grade team at Piqua, and we have a stellar Running Back/Linebacker that is also a track star that you should keep an eye on.
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Also, his future is at running back. 6'1 213 with 4.34 40 yard dash speed, and a lot of strength and power, Chris Wells could have some competition if he signs. That is a big if, since he is a michigan fan.

I think that if he signed and did stay at running back, then he would be a change of pace back for Chris Wells, you know like thunder and lightning.

Do you think OSU has a chance?
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Do you think OSU has a chance?

osugrad21 in post #134 of this thread said:

"My take: Don't count on seeing him in Columbus."

That doesn't exactly make me feel good about our chances right now. Then again, I thought last year that Chris Wells' being a Michigan fan (supposedly) would keep him from coming to Columbus...
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I think his future is on offense as well. I could see WR but I think he has the perfect build and skills for RB. What position do you all think he would play on defense? Saine is pushing 210 right now, is 6'0, and is still really fast obviously. Safety is a possibility I guess and maybe LB, but I just think his measurables and film all point to him being on offense, likely a RB. I just think he has way to much explosiveness to play on defense.
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