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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

You have to remember the kid is an 8th grader, you have to question if he really knows much about Saine.

Apparently you have never been to my town. When we have a star football player, we know everything from what he bench presses to what he eats for breakfast.

We probably have a chance, and he wants to run track as well as playing football. I don't think that is good because what happens if he is injured running track?

But he is probably willing to wait or share carries. He is the best Back in Miami County and possibly Top-3 in the state, but he has shared carries since he was a Sophomore with a pretty good back that you should keep an eye on in Kyle Blair. But I don't think playing time will affect his choice that much.
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Apparently you have never been to my town.

Actually I have been to your town several of times, and have watched Piqua play several times. I am good friends with the old defensive coordinator, Brett Colahan, who is now coaching at Vermillion. I am not questioning how much you know about him, but how good of an inside source you are for his recruiting.
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High school track
Wayne's McPherson soars: Jordan McPherson of Wayne High won the high jump at the Arcadia (Calif.) Invitational on Saturday. McPherson cleared 6 feet, 9 inches to win his specialty.
Wayne's girls 1,600 relay finished second. Jasmine Dallas, Jasmine Pope, Cortnee Simmers and Ashley Arnold were timed in 4:04.16. Piqua's Brandon Saine finished third in the 100 meters in 10.54 seconds.
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YA I HEARD Ginn WAS DOWN TO 10.5 and under that a few times at OSU but, Saine for his age/size is a freak of nature. I keep hearing he's 205 to 220 and for all that size to have that type of speed falls in the bo jackson/herschel walker category who were track stars to.

One ? about his 10.5 at glenville, why didn't he run in the national track meet with that. O'neal was suppose to be faster then Ginn at the 100.
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YA I HEARD Ginn WAS DOWN TO 10.5 and under that a few times at OSU but, Saine for his age/size is a freak of nature. I keep hearing he's 205 to 220 and for all that size to have that type of speed falls in the bo jackson/herschel walker category who were track stars to.

One ? about his 10.5 at glenville, why didn't he run in the national track meet with that. O'neal was suppose to be faster then Ginn at the 100.

I dont know the answer to that. The 110 hurdles were his best event, so maybe he wanted to just focus on that.

Saine does have tons of speed, but hes not a complete running back and thats why I prefer him on the defensive side of the ball.
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I think he was very impressive at RB. If he doesn't play RB, I would expect to see him at a beefy 210+ lb. WR. He didn't even play defense last year so I'm not lead to thinking he will be a complete CB either. Plus, all players with that explosiveness aren't usually put on defense, even if they are equally as good at that defensive position as their position on offense. The epitomy of this is Ted Ginn. We know what an amazing CB he probably would have been and since he was so valuable with the ball in his hands, they didnt/probably wont give him a shot at defense, even when CB seems thin. I don't think there is any way Saine plays defense.
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