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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

Rivals $


Brandon enjoyed his visit to Northwestern and likes the spread offense because he gets to run in space instead of between the tackles. He picked up an offer from Oregon but still lists tOSU, Michigan, Northwestern, and ND as favorites with no leader yet.
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That is REALLY bad news...

considering he had camped there several times, I thought it was only a matter of time before they offered.

It just depends on how he feels getting offered by them "later" in the game than some other RBs. I had heard he had soured on them over the course of last season based on some promises broken.

It also depends on how much he values being 1 of the first RBs to get an offer from tOSU. I dont remember the timing but either Saine or the kid from IL were the first [and only to date that I know of]. With a bumper 07 crop of RBs in OH, it says alot for tOSU to offer him first.
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Brandon won the 60M Dash at the National Scholastic Indoor Championship

Boys 60 Meter Dash
Athletes MUST check in 30 minutes prior to start of event.
National HS: *  6.57  3/14/1999   Casey Combest, Owensboro, KY
        Meet: #  6.62  3/12/1995   Deworski Odom, Overbrook, Phila., PA
          FR:    6.78  2001        Jerald Watson, Cen Cath, MorganCity, LA
          SO:    6.73  2002        Jerald Watson, Cen Cath, MorganCity, LA
          JR:    6.67  1998        Mike Newell, Potomac, Dumfries, VA
          SR:    6.57  3/14/1999   Casey Combest, Owensboro, KY
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals
  1   733 Saine, Brandon      JR Piqua, OH               6.87       6.79
  2   310 Wells, Evander      SR Snellville, GA          6.84       6.79
  3  1741 Pipkin, Devin       JR Indianapolis, IN        6.92       6.83
  4   734 Christian, Justin   JR Atlanta, GA             6.85       6.90
  5   415 Patterson, Travon   SR Long Beach, CA          6.90       6.91
  6  1778 Halstead, Tyrone    JR Toronto, ON             6.98       6.93
  7  1708 Scheuerman, JT      SR Castle Rock, CO         6.95       7.05
  8  1694 Osei, Eric          SR East Providence, RI     6.98       7.06

Edit: Added link
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