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RB Antonio Pittman (Official Thread)

Pittman closes strong
Antonio Pittman - RB - NO - Aug. 30 - 10:42 pm et
Saints RB Antonio Pittman ran for 77 yards on 21 carries in New Orleans' exhibition finale. He caught three passes but only gained one more yard.

The Ohio State product finished strong after a sluggish start. Pittman was outplayed by Pierre Thomas all preseason, but probably isn?t in danger of being cut in favor of the undrafted rookie because of his draft status

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I'm sure it would be too much to ask for the Browns to give him a look. I could get used to seeing him in that uniform, and Lewis ain't gonna stick around past this season unless Savage overpays. I would take AP over Jerome Harrison for sure, and probably Jason Wright.
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Wish the Bears would pick him up. They could carry 4 RB's Benson (injury prone his first two season and with the way he does not shy away from contact probably will get hurt again, Adrian Peterson, Garrett Wolfe. I love the way Benson plays, but he will get hurt and i'm not sure Peterson can handle a full load with Wolfe likely being mostly a screen pass scat back.
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Rams grab ex-Ohio State star Pittman on waivers
By Jim Thomas

As the 2007 draft unfolded in April, many Rams fans and draftniks thought the team should have selected running back Antonio Pittman of Ohio State.

That didn't happen -- the Rams selected running back-fullback Brian Leonard of Rutgers in the second round.

But the Rams have ended up with Pittman anyway, claiming him on waivers Sunday from the New Orleans Saints. To make room for Pittman, the Rams placed running back Rich Alexis on waivers.

Cincinnati also put in a claim on Pittman, but the Rams were awarded his services because of a poorer record than the Bengals in '06. (Actually both teams finished 8-8, but the Rams got Pittman on the tie-breaker -- an easier strength of schedule.)

PIttman, 5-11, 207 pounds, was a fourth-round draft pick by the Saints. At Ohio State, he led the Buckeyes in rushing in both the '05 and '06 seasons.

He had seven 100-yard rushing games last season, including 139 against arch-rival Michigan. He turned pro after his junior season.

STLtoday - Sports - Rams
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Buckin' A;918536; said:
The worst part is that the Saints kept an undrafted free agent instead of Pittman (Pierre?).

I think he is better than anyone that the Browns have backing up Lewis and would love to see him get a chance in Cleveland.

Damn. Good pick up for the Rams, wish Cleveland woulda made a push for him. Sounds like they would have got him.
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