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RB Antonio Pittman (Official Thread)

buckeyefool;944429; said:
Problem that is is going to run into is that the Rams O line is HORRIBLE this year. Injuries have destroyed them this year.
Very true. Pro-bowlers Bulger & Holt have been gone MIA, and heavily hyped Jackson has done very little as well.
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Former Akron Buchtel and Ohio State running back Antonio Pittman is getting his feet wet in St. Louis after a mind-blowing entry into the NFL.

In April, Pittman was drafted in a high Round 4 spot (No. 107 overall) where rookies hardly ever get cut, but the Saints let him go late in the preseason.

The Rams claimed him. His stats are nothing to get excited about (nine carries, 19 yards), but Linehan seems pleased.

?We really like Antonio,? Linehan said. ?He?s really improved and had some nice carries for us last week. He?s right on schedule.?

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OSUsushichic;991044; said:
Looks like Pittman is having a pretty good game. He has 6 rushes for 53 yards.

He finished with 7 rushes for 53 yards & 1 catch for 0 yards. Glad to see him back in action and producing.
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