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TooTallMenardo;2163222; said:
Man, it looks like you guys get hit with some MEAN storms, Nutriaitch!

these things pop up kinda regular this time of year.
luckily, it wasn't near as bad as it looked.

this one came from North of us which is actually rather uncommon once the calendar flips to May or so.

it's the ones that pop up to the South of us that get really mean.
especially later in the summer (mid July-September).
we'll have the types that are basically the beginning stages of a tropical storm, but form too close to the coast to develop.

not as bad as a true tropical system, but still pretty nasty, and usually without much warning.
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Nutriaitch;2163279; said:
these things pop up kinda regular this time of year.
luckily, it wasn't near as bad as it looked.

this one came from North of us which is actually rather uncommon once the calendar flips to May or so.

it's the ones that pop up to the South of us that get really mean.
especially later in the summer (mid July-September).
we'll have the types that are basically the beginning stages of a tropical storm, but form too close to the coast to develop.

not as bad as a true tropical system, but still pretty nasty, and usually without much warning.

I can only imagine what a tropical storm would be like without warning... When I went on vacation to Outer Banks, NC a few years ago, there was a tropical storm/depression (I don't know the difference), and it rained like it was Forest Gump for a solid 24 hours. :lol:
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