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QB/WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Then before Saturday's game, Pryor spoke with former Ohio State quarterback and 2006 Heisman Trophy winner, Troy Smith.

"I talked to Troy this morning and had a good quarterback-to-quarterback talk," Pryor said. "It helped me."

thats the guy ive been wanting to hear about talking to pryor. if anyone has been in the same situation who is in the right position to give pryor advice, its troy smith. hopefully their communication continues.

NateG;1576359; said:
They said "Well if he beats PSU/Iowa/scUM then I'll think he's doing better. Give me a F-in break.

if thats their response then your wasting your time. its been rather eye opening to me that the majority of football fans don't actually know anything about the game.

wins and losses isn't a very effective way to evaluate a football player. if they were that would likely make barry sanders the single worst football player in the history of the nfl. when the coaches sit down to grade out pryor's performance the final score isn't going to help his grade any. his pass rating, number of tds, or # of appearances on sports center highlight reels aren't going to get him anything either. completion # isn't even a good measure. imo pryors best pass of the day was an incompletion. so do i count that play as a negative because posey couldn't hang onto the ball/the cb make a heck of a play? or do i try to reinforce that he did every single thing right on that throw?

did he read the d properly?
did he make the right adjustments?
blitz recognition
ball placement
did he go to his check downs properly?
did he go through his progressions?
did he look off his receivers?
was he a leader?

i said it before and ill say it again. 09 minny is the best game of pryor's career thus far and im very excited to see how he continues to progress.
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Zander42;1576772; said:
I'd say his top two passes of the day were incompletions. Throwing it into the stands on the scramble was one of the best decisions he's made all year.

I agree. It was really nice that Pryor is giving up on a play and throwing away the ball to avoid negative yards/turnovers. That's great moving on to the next play.
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I have never left an ohio state game before, but this week i had to.

In my row, some kid snuck in 5 (yes 5) of his friends, we were like sardines in there. All the kids in my section snuck in either vodka or whiskey and were hammered. I'm all for getting hammered on saturday, but do you have to get blasted during the game?

One drunk kid showed up 10 minutes into the first quarter and blew the worst smelling breath into my face and said "you look like a buzzkill."

but thats not the main reason i left.

after the first play (which was a run) I heard, "Put bauserman in, he's a pocket passer."

then all i heard all day was, "quit throwing to poser pryor, you're an idiot"

Pryor made that sweet toss to dane on the run and the drunk idiots would yell, "You still suck Pryor"

I hate the dumbass Ohio State fans who are just absolute morons.

I told my gf, lets just go watch the rest at your house or i'm going to lose it in the second half (esp after all the nice plays pryor made, or how average bauserman looked)

I get why we get hated on so much nationally, just a bunch of drunk morons. I've stood by pryor this whole week, he is our only option
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kolOhioState88;1576903; said:
I have never left an ohio state game before, but this week i had to.

In my row, some kid snuck in 5 (yes 5) of his friends, we were like sardines in there. All the kids in my section snuck in either vodka or whiskey and were hammered. I'm all for getting hammered on saturday, but do you have to get blasted during the game?

One drunk kid showed up 10 minutes into the first quarter and blew the worst smelling breath into my face and said "you look like a buzzkill."

but thats not the main reason i left.

after the first play (which was a run) I heard, "Put bauserman in, he's a pocket passer."

then all i heard all day was, "quit throwing to poser pryor, you're an idiot"

Pryor made that sweet toss to dane on the run and the drunk idiots would yell, "You still suck Pryor"

I hate the dumbass Ohio State fans who are just absolute morons.

I told my gf, lets just go watch the rest at your house or i'm going to lose it in the second half (esp after all the nice plays pryor made, or how average bauserman looked)

I get why we get hated on so much nationally, just a bunch of drunk morons. I've stood by pryor this whole week, he is our only option

In a crowd of 105,000+ you are bound to find more than a few morons...it wouldn't really cause me to leave a game.....that would be one less supporter of TP when he needed it the most. We need to outnumber the boo-birds.....not succumb.
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drunk idiot college students at an Ohio State game? I am shocked

I had a kid sitting next to me who was pretending he was so drunk that he couldn't get the timing right on the O-H-I-O cheer going around the stadium, he kept yelling too early or too late, he was a fucking moron and he left by the third quarter

I had girls sit behind me last year that showed up to the Michigan game (they had obviously sold their tickets for all of the other games because it was the only time they showed up) who spent the entire time talking about how wasted they were and how this was going to be there last game, they were fucking morons and they left by the second quarter

drunk morons sitting next to you is not a legitimate excuse for leaving games early in my opinion, they usually leave early themselves and during the game it is easy enough just to ignore them, because, you know, there is a football game going on
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kolOhioState88;1576923; said:
i'm mainly talking about the students and i am one

I am talking about ACC students!

You have to remember that the ACC is traditionally a basketball conference. Football is something they do to pass time from the start of school to the beginning of basketball season. Not so much after the expansion, though When I was at UVA, I used to go to the games. Most of the undergrads wear oxford dress shirts and ties, and were drunk as skunks. The school fight song is Auld Lang Syne with different lyrics and an improvised homophobic cheer to the line "we come from old virginia where all is bright and gay."

I have to say that the visiting fans from South Carolina and State Penn were also pretty obnoxious.
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The last game I attended, Ohio State lost to TSUN. For the entire 1st quarter, some idiot kept up the negative commentary. Finally, some guy said (I'm paraphrasing), "Listen, pal. I traveled fourteen hours to be here for this game. This ticket wasn't cheap but I was satisfied that it would let me watch the Buckeyes play. Look around you. None of us came here today expecting to see some idiot beat himself unconscious and then jump off the top of the stadium into the parking lot but, if that is what you're suggesting, it's an added bonus."

He was quiet the entire game.
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Buckeye86;1576930; said:
I had girls sit behind me last year that showed up to the Michigan game (they had obviously sold their tickets for all of the other games because it was the only time they showed up) who spent the entire time talking about how wasted they were and how this was going to be there last game, they were [censored]ing morons and they left by the second quarter

Were they hot? :cheers:

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