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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

Jaxbuck;643816; said:
With his performance in the IU game Troy Smith passed Archie for 7th place all time in total yardage. If he maintins his current 230 ypg average he'll finish just north of 7000 yards which would be good for 3rd place all time behind Art S and Bobby Hoying.

Not too shabby.

Well, I think it's a safe bet he passes Hoying easily. He should get considerably more than 230 yards per game against Minnesota, Illinois, and Northwestern. And we all know what he's going to do against Michigan.

Should we run the table and win the national title, Troy will hands-down be the greatest Buckeye QB ever...absolutely no doubt.
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MililaniBuckeye;644778; said:
Well, I think it's a safe bet he passes Hoying easily. He should get considerably more than 230 yards per game against Minnesota, Illinois, and Northwestern. And we all know what he's going to do against Michigan.

Should we run the table and win the national title, Troy will hands-down be the greatest Buckeye QB ever...absolutely no doubt.

agreed..great post!!!

and to think, what would of been if he played every game that he could of...

honestly, it brings a tear to my eye to think that he wont be taking snaps next season...
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MililaniBuckeye;644778; said:
Should we run the table and win the national title, Troy will hands-down be the greatest Buckeye QB ever...absolutely no doubt.

Agreed. Only name even worth mentioning in the same breath would be Kearn but if Troy puts another one on scUM like the last 2, he's the greatest in my book and I don't usually give preference to recent players in "greatest ever" discussions.
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Jaxbuck;645450; said:
Agreed. Only name even worth mentioning in the same breath would be Kearn but if Troy puts another one on scUM like the last 2, he's the greatest in my book and I don't usually give preference to recent players in "greatest ever" discussions.

And keep in mind that Kern had a disasterous game at AA in '69. Rex may have been 2-1 against them, but that loss was tough. Troy going 3-0 against Michigan would make it a no-brainer...
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MililaniBuckeye;645455; said:
And keep in mind that Kern had a disasterous game at AA in '69. Rex may have been 2-1 against them, but that loss was tough. Troy going 3-0 against Michigan would make it a no-brainer...

the interesting debate would be (assuming Troy does a number on scUM and is 3-0 for his career) who is the greatest weasel killer of all time? Troy or Archie?

Troy would be 3-0 with at least 2 of the biggest games in OSU history vs scUM, maybe a third.

Archie was 3-0-1, never lost and went to 4 straight Rose Bowls each time denying scUM a Bowl game birth. However, he never did just absolutely blow scUM out of the water ala Troy iirc.

Thoughts? I'm hard pressed to say which is greater.
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Jaxbuck;645460; said:
However, he never did just absolutely blow scUM out of the water ala Troy iirc.

That would be the key. If Troy puts up another near-400 yards on Nov 18th like he did in '04, and we win big, then I think there'd be little to debate. Archie's teams never beat scUM big (14-11, 12-10, and 21-14 to go with the 10-10 tie).
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MililaniBuckeye;645455; said:
And keep in mind that Kern had a disasterous game at AA in '69. Rex may have been 2-1 against them, but that loss was tough. Troy going 3-0 against Michigan would make it a no-brainer...

Where's BB73 when you need him?

I could HAVE ('of' is NOT the right word here people) sworn that it was the backup QB that threw at least MOST of those 52 interceptions, if not all of them.
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jwinslow;645482; said:
How strong was OSU & UM during Archie's run? Troy's signature win came as an underdog.

TSUN came into The Game with a combined record of 38-0-2 from 72-75 (both ties were in 1975), and left The Game with 3 losses and the 10-10 tie in 1973.

They didn't even get to go to a bowl after the '72, '73, or '74 seasons. The big Ten rule change finally let the runner-up go bowling in 1975.

Where's BB73 when you need him?

I could HAVE sworn that it was the backup QB that threw at least MOST of those 52 interceptions, if not all of them.

In the 1969 24-12 debacle, tOSU had 8 turnovers (Kern threw 4 picks, Maciejowski two, and there were two fumbles). All of the scoring for both teams was in the first half. Kern had a bad back that day, and Maciejowski played a lot late in the game.
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