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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

.:.Brutus.:.;649314; said:
Am I retarded or blind...???

I honostly believe that Troy is a first rounder and would put Troy as the number 1 QB to enter the 2007 draft which should put him easily in the top 10 picks.

Maybe my Buckeye blinders are on too high, but I think the only knock on Troy Smith is his hight being only 6'.

Your wrong on the top ten pick. Everyone said kudla would go in the first three rounds and i said after the 5th and he didnt even go at all. I think T.S is a solid 17-34 pick if he wins the Heisman he might jump up to almost the top ten. There are just to many pro ready players in this years draft.
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.:.Brutus.:.;649314; said:
Maybe my Buckeye blinders are on too high, but I think the only knock on Troy Smith is his hight being only 6'.
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By Wendell Barnhouse

Star-Telegram Staff Writer



Star-Telegram college football writer Wendell Barnhouse assesses the top candidates for the Davey O'Brien National Quarterback Award:
1. Troy Smith, Ohio State. Like the top-ranked Buckeyes, the senior just keeps taking care of business. He's ranked fifth in passing efficiency and has 22 touchdown passes with only two interceptions.
2. Colt McCoy, above, Texas. Yes, and he's also getting mention as a Heisman Trophy candidate. McCoy's 24 touchdown passes and consecutive second-half winning rallies on the road have the nation noticing.
3. Brady Quinn, Notre Dame. The Irish senior quarterback has an ace as his hole card -- Notre Dame's prime-time, regular-season finale at USC. A big game against the Trojans could boost Quinn.
Waiting list: Kevin Kolb, Houston; John Beck, BYU; Stephen McGee, Texas A&M; Colt Brennan, Hawaii; Chase Holbrook, New Mexico State; Chase Daniel, Missouri; Chad Henne, Michigan; Erik Ainge, Tennessee; Tyler Palko, Pittsburgh; Nate Longshore, California; John Stocco, Wisconsin.
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I think it will all depend on how many teams at the top need QB's and how many think QB is theit TOP need position at the time they pick.

Oakland, Minnesota, Detroit, Dallas, Baltimore, Tampa Bay

.. could all use a QB, and to a lesser extent,

Miami, New York Jets, Cleveland, Kansas City
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BGriffBuckeye;649316; said:
6'0" - Brees, Rattay, Vick
6'1" - Brunell, Jeff Garcia, Gradkowski, Grossman
6'2" - McNabb, Losman, Delhomme, Garrard, Plummer, Warner

I don't understand why height is being considered an issue here with the analysts and aeverybody else who is talk about Troy's draft status. All these guys are around Troy's height, and I do not think a inch really matters that much. Is Brees really a better QB than Troy? He went #1 in the 2nd round. Troy may not have the running ability of a Michael Vick, but he has moves and I liken his play to McNair or McNabb now that he has become more of a pocket passer, but can use his wheels when the pocket collapses or he sees a whole.
The QB height issue puzzles me too, especially since Ohio State's O-Line goes 6-8, 6-8, 6-5, 6-4, 6-6. Troy doesn't seem to have any problems reading the field or delivering the ball now. What was Flutie, 5-10 in platform shoes?
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Dryden;649814; said:
The QB height issue puzzles me too, especially since Ohio State's O-Line goes 6-8, 6-8, 6-5, 6-4, 6-6. Troy doesn't seem to have any problems reading the field or delivering the ball now. What was Flutie, 5-10 in platform shoes?
its not so much the o-line height as it is the d-line jumping up and batting balls, but with that said.. i think Troy will be an excellent NFL QB
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Bleed S & G;649840; said:
its not so much the o-line height as it is the d-line jumping up and batting balls, but with that said.. i think Troy will be an excellent NFL QB

Point remains, it's not like we're playing in the MAC where players are undersized... We are in a major conference - an NFL feeder conference. Troy is playing with NFL-sized players now. Height-wise, if Troy isn't having trouble now, he wont in a year.
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The O'Brien Award was mentioned earlier. It became a QB-only award in 1981, and no Buckeye has yet won that award.

Congrats to Troy on being named a finalist for the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award. It's been given since 1987, and no Buckeye has yet won it.


Unitas Award

Smith was named one of five finalists for the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award given to the nation's top senior quarterback. He was joined by BYU's John Beck, Houston's Kevin Kolb, Notre Dame's Brady Quinn and Michigan State's Drew Stanton. The winner will be announced Dec. 1 and the award will be presented Dec. 8 in Baltimore.
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Troy Smith vs. Vince Young...

If you compare the both of them strictly on hight... Vince Young ( 1st QB taken in the '06 draft - 3rd overall pick ) is 6'4 to Troys smaller 6'-. However, Vince Youngs realease is horrible and Troy is able to make up for his hight by having a much, much better release...IMO.


I still don't understand why Troys not getting the respect I feel he should have in this years draft. I heard JT once say about Troy that...

"Troy see's the field extremly well.. He can make every throw... He goes through his progressions and more importantly he knows exactly the reason WHY he made the throw he made..."

Who could argue with JT, Troy can make every throw!!! Hes shown he has a fast ball ( Ask Robiskie and all the MSU DB's ), He can put alittle touch on it when needed and Troy throws the best long ball I've ever seen in all of football, yes I said ALL OF FOOTBALL!!!


I honostly believe that if Troy goes 11th or lower in the '07 draft that he will be a STEAL. His swagger alone should make him an elite player early in his pro career...

I say keep Troy in Ohio and take him back up to Cleveland and allow his talent and leadership to bring some more respect to a great city and football town!!!
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BGriffBuckeye;649694; said:
I think it will all depend on how many teams at the top need QB's and how many think QB is theit TOP need position at the time they pick.

Oakland, Minnesota, Detroit, Dallas, Baltimore, Tampa Bay

.. could all use a QB, and to a lesser extent,

Miami, New York Jets, Cleveland, Kansas City

The Redskins desperately need a new QB :wink:
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.:.Brutus.:.;650467; said:
Troy Smith vs. Vince Young...

If you compare the both of them strictly on hight... Vince Young ( 1st QB taken in the '06 draft - 3rd overall pick ) is 6'4 to Troys smaller 6'-. However, Vince Youngs realease is horrible and Troy is able to make up for his hight by having a much, much better release...IMO.


I still don't understand why Troys not getting the respect I feel he should have in this years draft. I heard JT once say about Troy that...

"Troy see's the field extremly well.. He can make every throw... He goes through his progressions and more importantly he knows exactly the reason WHY he made the throw he made..."

Who could argue with JT, Troy can make every throw!!! Hes shown he has a fast ball ( Ask Robiskie and all the MSU DB's ), He can put alittle touch on it when needed and Troy throws the best long ball I've ever seen in all of football, yes I said ALL OF FOOTBALL!!!


I honostly believe that if Troy goes 11th or lower in the '07 draft that he will be a STEAL. His swagger alone should make him an elite player early in his pro career...

I say keep Troy in Ohio and take him back up to Cleveland and allow his talent and leadership to bring some more respect to a great city and football town!!!

I am going to have to disagree with you there. Yes, Troy throws one of the best long balls in all of football but he has missed Teddy a few times deep this year by overthrowing him. In particular the one interception agaisnt PSU Ted was wide open, Troy underthrew/threw to the wrong shoulder(i think) , and it got picked off.
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Bucks21;650576; said:
I am going to have to disagree with you there. Yes, Troy throws one of the best long balls in all of football but he has missed Teddy a few times deep this year by overthrowing him. In particular the one interception agaisnt PSU Ted was wide open, Troy underthrew/threw to the wrong shoulder(i think) , and it got picked off.

On the throw in question, the wind carried the ball directly to the defender. That is precisely why we didn't CALL a long pass again. The only other long ball that Troy threw that day was the laser to Robo that never got high enough to be affected by the wind.
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