"i know that it wasn't really part of the presser, but perhaps you missed the reports about the part of the team meeting where Tressel made one group of players stand up (possibly the one's with the misdemeanor arrests?) and told them, in front of the team, 'if you screw up again, YOU ARE GONE.' perhaps you also missed the part where Tressel made another group of players stand up (possibly those with shady grades, or a propensity for misconduct?) and told them, in front of the team, 'if you screw up one single time, you're suspended for a year.' i'm pretty sure that the policy you are looking for has been established..."
That was from LVbuckeye after the Haw incident. A few people called bullshit and no one backed this up with a credible source. I hope this was bullshit. If it isn't, I'm guessing Troy is out for the year.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->