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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

4, 6, and 9 are the only numbers 1-19 that don't aren't worn by someone on scholarship. IIRC, Small and Gibson are taking 4 and 9, so I think Henton will take 6.

There is the possibility that he shares a number with another scholarship player (2-Jenkins and Haw, 5-D'Andrea and Dukes, 20-Pettrey and Washington, 50-Datish and Gholston), but that is a rare occurrence.
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Very well writen article and I cannot wait to see AH on the field! Does anyone else have the sense that it will be awfully hard to keep his athletic ability off the field?! He can throw/run and makes good decisions! I wish you well Antonio!
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Posted on Fri, Jun. 30, 2006

Henton's heroics will not be soon forgotten
By Robyn Disney

With so much written about Peach County High School's male athlete of the year, someone recently asked Antonio Henton if there was something we didn't know about him.

"People think of me as being serious all the time," Henton said. "But I'm really laid back. I like to have fun. I like to hang out with my friends and have fun. I'm not as serious as people like to think of me."

Henton also understands where some people's perception of him comes from. The Trojans started the season 0-3 with their star quarterback hampered with an ankle injury. But some time off allowed the ankle to heal and Henton came back to help lead the team to its first Class AAA state title.

For his heroics, Henton received all the big awards - all-state player of the year, all-Middle Georgia player of the year, etc.

Drive around Fort Valley and there are banners honoring the team. With the exception of the Interstate, every road leading into Peach County has a sign to alert drivers that Peach County won the state football title.

"The community has just embraced us," Henton said. "It's cool that they were just as excited as we were. After the game, they all met at the football stadium to meet us. That scene was just awesome."

Henton is trained to deal with the media, he's got an incredible arm, and he's smart, quick and heading to Ohio State. While there have been lots of great football players who have come out of Peach County High School (walk into the field house and you'll see photos of collegiate players who are former Trojans), none of those athletes has made the impact here that Henton and his 2005 team made.

"That team is in a class by itself," Peach County coach Rance Gillespie said. "They are the only ones that have brought home a state title. And Antonio is one of those special players. He's an exceptional athlete and one of the best young men you will ever meet."

But Henton is also still a teenager. He thought about leaving Peach County High in December and enrolling at Ohio State so he could be there for spring football. But he still had one more math class to take (which he could have taken during the summer). More importantly, there were social events to attend, basketball games to be played and other things that a senior in high school looks forward to doing.

Like having fun.

To contact Robyn Disney, call 923-3109, extension 241 or e-mail [email protected]



Grade: Senior
Sports: Football and basketball
College: Ohio State
Favorite athlete: Michael Vick
Favorite food: Fried chicken
Athletic highlight: Winning state football title
Any advice?: "Just because you start bad doesn't mean you'll finish bad."

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Can you stand one more doting article?

What a great article. I wanted to add a little more to it – from another female’s point of view. I hope you can stand a little more:
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Antonio is not much of a talker, so don’t expect him to start up a conversation if he doesn’t know you. He keeps to himself. I first noticed during his basketball games, if the team was sitting in one area, he’d be easy to spot because he was the one sitting by himself a few rows down, or a few aisles over. I learned he sat on the bus going to football games alone. Perhaps he is getting in game mode? I don’t know, but I do know that when you are around Antonio, you can feel his strength and self-confidence. It must be the same aura his fellow Trojans felt from him that led them to the state championship. It’s just who he is. He’s calm, he’s cool. He is NOT cocky. It is not his nature to be a show-off or loud mouth – his athletic ability speaks for itself. Even at the stadium, after Peach Co won state and we were all celebrating, Antonio was standing over to the side. I was afraid to approach him – his silence was intimidating. I finally got up the nerve and walked up to him, gave him a congratulatory hug and told him good luck at Ohio State. He smiled and said thanks. Again, not a talker. But on the occasion that you do get to speak to him, his attention will be focused on you solely and he will respond with a smile. My family and I finally established a friendship with Antonio, and as I am sure you are tired of hearing by now, we all feel he is a very special young man.
One thing always sticks out to me when thinking of Antonio. It was senior night during basketball season. Peach County has a “team manager”, so to speak, that provides the players with their water, and he is mentally challenged. As they introduced the senior players, most of whom were escorted by their parents, Antonio took the stage, with his mother on one arm, and the “team manager” on the other arm. He had this guy stand with him the entire time the other players were being honored. It was really touching. That’s just the kind of guy he is.
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