it's statements like this that CBS and the SEC completely ignore when trying to cram an LSU/Arky rivalry down our throats.
seriously, where does LSU rank on Arky's hate list?
below Texas Obviously, even though y'all don't play them every year anymore.
we're probably higher on y'all list, simply because of the need to compile a new list when y'all joined the conference.
but for almost all LSU fans, R-Kansas is 4th at best on our list.
Florida, Bama, and Auburn are all above them.
for most fans, Ole [censored] is still more hated than Arkansas.
and there is also a group of old timers who would also list Toolame above Arkansas.
Just too many years of bad blood and hatred to push aside for the new guy on the block.
Maybe if we had a few more games that actually meant something, it would help.
2002 is the only season I can remember where the winner of our game was in the SEC CG.
other than that, the West is usually already decided by the time our game rolls around.