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PG Mike Conley (1st Team All BIG, NBA All-Star, Oscar Winner, Minnesota Timberwolves)

I watched Rubio pretty closely in the Olympics, and I wasn't all that impressed by his game. Even assuming he turns out to be a solid NBA player, I think Conley has demonstrated that he is too. If I were Memphis, I'd take a shot at Thabeet, as even if Rubio will be better than Conley, that margin is smaller than the margin between how good Thabeet could be when compared to what Memphis currently has on the inside.
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buckeyesin07;1469402; said:
I watched Rubio pretty closely in the Olympics, and I wasn't all that impressed by his game. Even assuming he turns out to be a solid NBA player, I think Conley has demonstrated that he is too. If I were Memphis, I'd take a shot at Thabeet, as even if Rubio will be better than Conley, that margin is smaller than the margin between how good Thabeet could be when compared to what Memphis currently has on the inside.
I agree on taking a shot at Thabeet, but Rubio is gonna be sick. In addition to playing like a young Jason Kidd (who was a beast when he came in the league) he understand the game since he has been playing pro ball in Europe since he was 14.
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Wow. Memphis never ceases to amaze me.

Clippers to trade Randolph for Quentin Richardson

Clearing the way for No. 1 pick Blake Griffin, the Clippers have agreed to trade power forward Zach Randolph to Memphis for former Clipper Quentin Richardson, The Times learned today.

Because of salary-cap rules, the deal can't be completed until next week.
Trade away Gasol, and then sign Randolph a year and a half later. :shake:

I feel bad for Mike, he know will have Rudy Gay, O.J. Mayo, and Zach Randolph on the court at the same time.

Never a bad time for this clip though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2fn01cngg&feature=PlayList&p=8D17576B5B4F1369&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=21]YouTube - Zach Randolph: Where Will Amazing Happen This Year?[/ame]
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Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley wants to meet with Allen Iverson and is seriously considering a one-year, $5 million offer, according to team insiders.

The Memphis front office is split on whether or not signing Iverson would be a wise move. The final decision will rest with Heisley.

The Grizzlies would make clear to Iverson that he would be sent home or banished for any perceived act of insubordination.

RealGM: Basketball Wiretap Archives: Memphis Closing In On Iverson
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I think AI wants to go there because he thinks he can be "the man" again. Ovinton J'Anthony won't allow that to happen though. Anybody think those two will come to blows on the court? AI just chucking up shots....OJ gets pissed then does the same, lol.
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buchtelgrad04;1495419; said:
I think AI wants to go there because he thinks he can be "the man" again. Ovinton J'Anthony won't allow that to happen though. Anybody think those two will come to blows on the court? AI just chucking up shots....OJ gets pissed then does the same, lol.
Mixed in with Rudy Gay and Zach Randolph. I'm thinking an average 1.1 passes per possession.
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buchtelgrad04;1495423; said:
The 1 pass is the inbound pass, lol.
:lol: This team would be hilarious to watch. As long as these continue, I can't say I wouldn't love watching.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2fn01cngg]YouTube - Zach Randolph: Where Will Amazing Happen This Year?[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A13PKLR-HyY]YouTube - Zach Randolph Air ball by Cavs@Clippers[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFHhoynAgc8]YouTube - Zach Randolph Scores Two Points For Knicks[/ame]
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Iverson to sign one-year deal with Grizzlies
By David Aldridge, TNT Analyst
Posted Sep 9 2009

Allen Iverson will sign a one-year, $3.5 million deal with the Memphis Grizzlies in the next 24 to 48 hours, ending a summer-long pursuit of a team that wanted the 34-year-old's game and cache and would provide him an opportunity for the playing time he still desperately covets.

NBA.com: Iverson to sign one-year deal with Grizzlies
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