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PG Mike Conley (1st Team All BIG, NBA All-Star, Oscar Winner, Minnesota Timberwolves)

Grizzlies' Mike Conley tunes up his game with assist from keyboard and new teammate Tinsley
By Ronald Tillery
Posted December 28, 2009

Mike Conley regained his confidence stroke by stroke by tickling the ivory keys.


Photo by Mark Weber
Grizzlies guard Mike Conley says playing the piano "helps ease the stress," as does his relationship with fellow guard Jamaal Tinsley.

The third-year point guard turned to the piano when times got tough, and to help drown out the noise of naysayers.

"It helps ease the stress," the Grizzlies point guard said of his new hobby. "You get home, play the piano and feel better. It's something to chill with."

Conley actually enters tonight's Memphis game against the Washington Wizards a little cold, having shot 28 percent with only six assists in his last two games. But those performances aren't emblematic of Conley's last month.

Conley seems settled and mostly on point after a horrid start.

He's relaxed, not shaky as the starter thanks in part to Allen Iverson's exit, Jamaal Tinsley's arrival and a sudden love affair with the piano.

About a month ago, Conley was walking in Best Buy with rookie teammate Sam Young. The pair stopped at a keyboard that Young began to play masterfully.

Conley became impressed and interested enough that he bought a keyboard the next day. Conley has learned the piano with the help of one-hour DVDs ever since, which included about four hours on Christmas Day.

"It's something to take your mind off basketball," said Young, a piano player since the ninth grade after picking up the talent from his blind younger brother, Michael Spriggs.

Coincidence or not, Conley's interest in taking up a musical instrument coincided with his turnaround on the court. He's gone from being off key to making joyful noises most times on the court over the past month, especially when he's attacking in the paint.

Conley is averaging 12.7 points on 49-percent shooting and 4.6 assists this month. He's shot better than 50 percent in eight of the past 12 games, which includes a career-high five 3-pointers Dec. 18 against Indiana.

His two 20-point games in December compared with zero in the Grizzlies' first 17 games this season indicate that Conley is capable of reaching an aggressive gear the coaching staff craves.

"He's still a young player learning when he can attack and when he has to pull the ball back," said Griz coach Lionel Hollins, who earlier praised Conley for channeling the end of last season. "There are a lot of expectations of each and every player. It doesn't always happen when you think it should happen. ... Some players start fast and some start slower. I'd rather have one start a little slower and get stronger as the season wears on rather than one that starts fast and fades."

Grizzlies' Mike Conley tunes up his game with assist from keyboard and new teammate Tinsley? The Commercial Appeal
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Jan 13, 2010
Mike Conley leads the Memphis resurgence
By Gerald Narciso


Mike Conley hit the genetics lottery. The son of an Olympic gold-medal triple jumper, he is a natural athlete. After he and Greg Oden led Ohio State to the NCAA national title game as freshmen, Conley was drafted fourth overall in the ?07 NBA Draft.

Since then, he has gone from Memphis? point guard of the future, to backup, then back to being a starter again. Conly could be considered the main reason Allen Iverson abruptly left Memphis after just four games ? after A.I. realized he wasn?t going to be handed Conley?s job ? and while the young floor general?s numbers this year (10.1 ppg, 4.9 apg, 1.1 spg) aren?t too different from his career averages, he has guided Memphis to a 19-18 record through Tuesday?s schedule.

Here he talks about developing into a legit NBA starter, his toughest point guard matchup, and his relationship with coach Lionel Hollins:

On growing up in a track household?
My dad never forced me to run track or anything. I just idolized Michael Jordan and all those guys back then and always wanted to be a basketball player. I had never ran track at a young age, so I just stuck to basketball.

On having it both ways?
I?m ambidextrous in pretty much everything. Sometimes I shoot better right-handed, so I?m kind of confused in a lot of different things. I golf both ways and bowl both ways, so it?s kind of tough for me. I have two sets of clubs ? a righty and a lefty. I think people would be surprised to know I?m a good bowler. My best is 256. And that was right-handed with a little bit of left sprinkled in there.

On NBA growing pains?
With the inconsistencies, my confidence took a toll the past few years. But at the same time, I tried to take it as a learning experience instead of getting down and letting it take away from my performance. When I was coming off the bench, I just wanted to do what my role was. I tried to do that to the best of my ability.

On losing the national championship game in college?
I think about it all the time. I never watched the national championship game over again. I don?t even want to. It?s been tough, but you got to take it how it goes. [My teammates] try to take it easy on me more often than not. I hear about it a lot from a lot of ex-Florida players like Mike Miller and guys like that. They give me a hard time about that.

Mike Conley leads the Memphis resurgence | Dime Magazine (www.dimemag.com) : Daily NBA News, NBA Trades, NBA Rumors, Basketball Videos, Sneakers
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ew name in trade talks: Mike Conley
February, 17, 2010
By Chad Ford

It's rare that you hear a new name pop up on the trade front this late in the game, but two sources have told ESPN.com that the Grizzlies have let teams know Mike Conley can be had in exchange for cap relief and a good first-round pick.

The Grizzlies have had an on-again, off-again relationship with Conley since his rookie season. And with Jamaal Tinsley in place, and O.J. Mayo capable of swinging to the point, it sounds like they're ready to cut bait if the right deal comes along.

Although one source stressed that it's unlikely Conley is moved before the trade deadline, it's interesting that his name is even out there.

New name in trade talks: Mike Conley - TrueHoop Blog - ESPN
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Barring a dramatic change in developments, Memphis isn't seriously fielding offers for point guard Mike Conley on the eve of the trade deadline. Sources contradicted an ESPN.com report that the Griz considered moving Conley for cap relief and a first-round pick.

The Griz passed on at least one deal involving Conley. Portland approached Memphis about swapping Conley for Steve Blake. The Griz considered the deal because Blake is in the final year of a deal that pays $4.9 million.

Postgame: Grizzlies 109, Raptors 102 ? The Commercial Appeal
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Grizzlies 104, Hornets 100=

NEW ORLEANS -- - Mike Conley scored a season-high 26 points and the Memphis Grizzlies won their franchise-record fifth-straight road game.

Conley scored nine in the final quarter as the Grizzlies overcame a nine-point deficit. Conley missed two free throws with 10.7 seconds left that gave the Hornets a chance to tie it, but James Posey turned the ball over and Rudy Gay dunked as time expired.

NBA Capsules - - NBA - Sporting News
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Q. Mike Conley's up-and-down play has become a lightning rod. Do you need to upgrade the point guard position?

A. Michael really is the type of point guard we need. We don't really need a point guard like (Deron) Williams, who is a big scorer. We've got four big scorers on the floor. We need a guy like Conley, who can pass. But we also need him to be a danger like he was in the last few games so his guy has to defend him. We can't afford to have guys throw zones at us, and we don't have a threat to break it. He's got to shoot the ball more. He's got to finish better. Michael's game (last Wednesday at New Orleans) shows that he can be a strong point guard. But Michael's got to be a strong point guard.

Q. What does the team need going forward?

A. We need to do two things. Mike (Conley) needs to get better, and I think he can. But if he doesn't we need to back him up with a stronger point guard. And then, more importantly than that, we need to add some scoring on that second team.

Michael Heisley gives his insights into Grizzlies ? The Commercial Appeal
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