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PG Mike Conley (1st Team All BIG, NBA All-Star, Oscar Winner, Minnesota Timberwolves)

Conley proof that NCAA Tournament helps gauge NBA talent
Grizzlies' officials watch, but workouts count in draft, too
By Ronald Tillery (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grizzlies point guard Mike Conley has been maligned for much of his brief NBA career but he can look back on the 2007 NCAA men's basketball tournament as a magical time.

No, his Ohio State Buckeyes didn't win the ultimate prize. But Conley's professional stock rose during tournament play, leading him to Memphis as the fourth overall pick.

"It was the way he played," Griz general manager Chris Wallace said. "As he went through you saw his quickness and presence. It became apparent he was one of the elite players."

NBA executives and scouts shift their player evaluations into high gear this week as the elevation of college basketball games and individual performances tend to improve awareness.

While March Madness doesn't have the final say on what happens in June, tournament play can color perception and influence draft order.

"In some cases, it changes radically," Wallace said Tuesday while on a scouting mission as the Griz prepared to face the Denver Nuggets tonight in FedExForum.

Conley proof that NCAA Tournament helps gauge NBA talent : Grizzlies : Memphis Commercial Appeal
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Mike Conley taking control
By Ronald Tillery (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins has given guard Mike Conley more freedom and the guard is doing well with it.Wilfredo Lee
Associated Press

MIAMI -- Mike Conley's progress continues to provide a recurring theme for the pregame talks Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins conducts with the media.

The conversation was no different Monday night before the Grizzlies took on the Miami Heat in American Airlines Arena.

Reporters catching up with Hollins for the first time since he took over the bench often ask what's been the key to developing a snapshot of his second-year point guard's potential.

Hollins' detailed responses could be summed up in a word: freedom.

Conley's newfound autonomy on the court is an ongoing process -- something demonstrated recently by Hollins' growing confidence.

"In the past few games, I've given him the whole list of plays that I had," Hollins said. "I told him to study the plays and figure out what plays he's comfortable with. I also gave him a list of plays for each of the individuals we would like to go to and told him to make sure that each of the players got these plays every so often."

In short: Conley no longer must look to the bench for instructions on every offensive possession. Playing with the trust of the coaching staff has also boosted Conley's confidence with his shooting.

He's appeared more comfortable shooting from the perimeter and routinely attacks the basket off the dribble. Conley has shown marked improvement from beyond the arc where he's shooting 42 percent over the past 57 games.

Conley made just 1-of-12 3-pointers in the first 12 games to start the season.

"He's taken the bull by the horns," Hollins said. "He's come out and he's been aggressive.

Conley has scored in double digits in 22 of the last 26 games, including a career-best 15 straight from Jan. 28-March 3. He's led the team in assists in 20 of the last 26 games.

"I've been given more responsibility as the weeks have gone by. I'm learning different ways to be a leader, and we've been experimenting in games. It might not look too good right now but it's going to pay off," said Conley who is averaging 14 points, 5.8 assists and 3.7 rebounds since Jan. 25 when Hollins took over.

Mike Conley taking control : Grizzlies : Memphis Commercial Appeal
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I've said it before: Mike Conley is the best basketball player I have ever seen in a Buckeye uniform. Yes, better even than Jerry Lucas.

I truly believe he has the talent to become a Hall of Famer. Great, great player and a really nice young man.
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Suddenly, Conley's the Real Deal
By: Joel Brigham Last Updated: 4/10/09 read

Despite the fact that the Memphis Grizzlies have less than zero chance of making the playoffs, something incredible has been happening in their backcourt.

After averaging just over ten points and four assists for the season, Mike Conley has gone on a season-ending tear, putting up 19ppg and almost 6apg over the last six games. He's also snatched away 2.3 steals a night over that time and put up at least 20 points seven times in the last four weeks. Why, oh why, has the former Top-Five pick suddenly become so effective?

"It's a lot of different things," Conley admits in the midst of his hot streak, "one being coach giving me a lot more freedom just to go out there and play basketball and not have to worry about coming out of the game too early or not playing. With me being the point guard that this team has made The Guy it's allowed me to have a lot more confidence and the trust of my teammates. I've been able to get good looks from teammates being unselfish, and that's the kind of basketball I like to play."

His becoming "The Guy" is a direct result of the team having traded his top competitor for minutes in Kyle Lowry at the trade deadline. In late January his minutes jumped from the high-twenties/low-thirties to consistently between 38-42 minutes per game. Part of the statistical boost is minutes, but part of it is just getting the proverbial driver's license.

"Coach has given me the keys and I'm just going out there and playing basketball without worrying about it too much," continues Conley. "I'm a freer mind, not having to think about it as much as I was before. I'm able to have fun, and when you're having fun out there you play good basketball."

"He's the engine of this team going forward," says head coach Lionel Hollins. "He was averaging six or seven points before, and in the last ten games he's probably over 20 (points per game)."

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Tillery on the NBA: Faith shown by coach, Conley excels for Grizzlies
By Ronald Tillery (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Sunday, April 12, 2009

"I told you so" can be such an obnoxious way to remind people of what turns out to be the absolute right viewpoint.

That's one reason why Griz rookie center Marc Gasol won't say it. The other is Gasol was firmly chastised by management when he openly and vehemently campaigned for the Griz not to trade point guard Mike Conley.


So much for the trade talk. At last, Grizzlies' Mike Conley is rewarding his backers with improved play at the difficult point-guard position. The coaching philosophy of Lionel Hollins is cited as a big reason for Conley's turnaround in the season's second half.

Tim Sharp/Associated Press

You remember Mike Conley for Milwaukee's Ramon Sessions and Joe Alexander, right? You remember the January trade proposal that had more to do with Conley being a so-called bust and getting two players for one?

Well, how do you like Conley now?

He won't say it but Gasol (and credible basketball observers) are thinking it.

Told you so.

Conley is starting to develop into a reliable player at the most difficult position in the game, and the Grizzlies are finding out he was always capable.

Remember the words in this space on Jan. 18?

Conley's development or lack of is an organizational issue. Sure, Conley could show more fight. The coaching staff could be more flexible, too, and put the fourth overall pick from 2007 in a better position to succeed. ... Remember when Marc Iavaroni likened Conley to a Ferrari? By the way, who owns a Ferrari and cruises at 35 mph?

There is no exact science when it comes to nurturing the most difficult position on the floor. But some patience, trust and freedom are required ingredients. The Griz have only added a pinch of those elements regarding Conley's development so far.

More proof of how much coaching matters: Phoenix Suns point guard Steve Nash had 47 assists to seven turnovers in four games before playing the Griz Friday night. It just goes to show how much former coach Terry Porter took away Nash's game early in the season.

With Porter, Nash shot 47 percent and averaged 13.8 points. With interim coach Alvin Gentry, Nash has shot 54 percent and averaged 20.1 points. Until Porter opened up the offense some, Nash averaged 7.6 assists in November and 8.6 in December. He has nudged it to 9.7 for the season but will probably finish below 10 for the first time since he was in Dallas.

Conley's improved all-around statistics are well-documented.

What a difference Lionel Hollins and changed coaching philosophy make.

Told you so.

Tillery on the NBA: Faith shown by coach, Conley excels for Grizzlies : NBA : Memphis Commercial Appeal
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NBA's 65 in 65: Mike Conley

Conley started 60 games this season.Welcome to The Show! On Tuesday, we continue our 65 in 65. That's 65 NBA chats in 65 days. We will hold an NBA chat each day through the end of the NBA Finals. We'll bring you players, analysts, writers, anyone who can help you fill your NBA fix. Tuesday's guest is Memphis Grizzlies PG Mike Conley.
In his second year in the NBA, Conley improved in nearly every category. He raised his points per game to 10.9, his assists to 4.3, while improving on both his 3-point (40.6%) and free throw (81.7%) shooting.

Matt from Arkansas: Who is the better athlete in their prime...Michael Conley Sr. or Jr.?

Mike Conley: That's a tough one but I would have to say Mike Conley Sr because he was able to jump a little bit higher than I can.

Andre (Bangor, ME): Who do you think will be the most improved team in the league next season?

Mike Conley: I would say either the Thunder or hopefully the Grizzles.

Isaac (Chicago): Being a fellow guard, who's performance was better against the Celtics, Rose in Game 1 or Gordon in Game 2?

Mike Conley: I'll go with Rose in game 1 because he's rookie. Doing what he did was pretty amazing.

Fred (East Boston): I've been having this debate since Saturday. Who do you think is harder to defend, Rose or Rondo?

Mike Conley: I'll say Rose. He's a lot stronger and athletic and get get to the basket. Rondo is quick but he's not a strong as Rose.

Riley (Feeding Hills, WY): What was the bigger upset in Game 1 in your mind, the Bulls beating the Celtics, Sixers beating the Magic or the Rockets destroying the Blazers?

Mike Conley: I think the Bulls beating the Celtics was the biggest upset. They played hard and fought for that win against the defending champs.

Sam (Detroit): What do the Pistons need to do to contain LeBron and beat the Cavaliers?

Mike Conley: It's really tough to contain LeBron. You have to put your best defender on him and then give them help. That's all you can really do.

Ryan (Halifax): Hey Mike! I was wondering what was it like to finally play against your longtime friend Big Greg Oden in the NBA on different teams? Must have been something special for both of you.

Mike Conley: It was a great opportunity that we have been looking forward to for the past 1 1/2. We've always been on the same team so it was cool to finally get to play against it him on the biggest stage.

c.j. (Boyceville WI): hey mike, what was the main factor in your improvement last summer, and what do you feel you need to work on this summer?

Mike Conley: The main improvement that I made was on my jump shot. Shooting of the dribble and just working hard on it everyday. This summer, I'm going to work on my conditioning and my overall game.

Luke, Zanesville Ohio: Hey Mike, big fan. You are the best point guard I've ever seen at Ohio State. What are your fondest memories from your days in Columbus? Good luck and Go Bucks!

Mike Conley: The best memory I have is making it to the Final Four and making it to the championship game. All the support that we got from the fans was great. I will always say, that was the best time of my life!

ESPN: NBA's 65 in 65: Mike Conley - SportsNation
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24-second Shot Clock Q&A with Mike Conley


Joe Murphy/NBAE/Getty Images

Next up on the Q&A hotseat is Mike Conley, who's in the midst of the best basketball of his young career.

What is your favorite city to play in besides Memphis?


Do you still follow Ohio State? How do you think they are doing this year?

I do follow my Ohio State team every chance I get to watch them play. I wish they could be doing better. I?m still rooting for them to get into the tournament.

Who is your favorite musician?

My favorite musician would have to be Lupe Fiasco.

Do you have any hobbies?

My hobbies are bowling, golfing and video games. I?d have to say I?m best at bowling; my golf game is a little shaky at the moment. I?m bowling a 246 right now.

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

Christmas, because it?s just a happy period of time. That month you get to go shopping for people and there?s snow and Christmas trees and I like all of that stuff a lot.

If you could be any superhero who would you be? Why?

Iron Man, I like his suit and I?d like to be able to fly.

If you could have dinner with any person alive or deceased who would it be?

Martin Luther King, Jr. I have no idea what we would talk about. I would ask a lot of questions especially since we are from two different generations, I would ask him about what it was like when he was growing up.

What was one food as a kid that you refused to eat?

Cottage Cheese and I still hate it.

If you had to choose another profession what would it be?

Professional Golfer

What?s your favorite color?


GRIZZLIES: 24-second Shot Clock Q&A with Mike Conley
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May 20 2009
Biggest draft decision falls in Grizzlies' lap
By Tony Mejia
Pro Basketball News

Memphis has been notorious for its bad luck in the NBA lottery, so when the Minnesota logo came out of the envelope slated No. 6 and the Grizzlies actually moved into the top three, head coach and lottery representative Lionel Hollins could've at least cracked a smile.

Even though a No. 1 pick eluded the Grizzlies like it has every other year of their existence, they should be celebrating their highest pick since 2000, one that greatly improves their chances of getting back into contention sooner than later.

In a draft that's significantly less loaded than last year's, Memphis has a shot at every prospect not named Blake Griffin.

This year's consensus top prospect will be a Clipper. That much was clear listening to L.A.'s team president Andy Roeser, who reported that his team's scouts "have seen him a ton this year and they just rave about him" and alluded to Griffin being the type of potential star you don't pass up.

That means the draft really begins with the Grizzlies, who face a grueling decision over the next month.

The lottery gods gave Memphis the opportunity to publicly declare its confidence in Mike Conley by passing on Ricky Rubio in favor of Hasheem Thabbet. At the same time, management also has the opportunity to proclaim Rubio the answer, effectively putting Conley on the block. The most important development from Tuesday evening is that it will be their choice.

It would definitely be easier if Rubio or Thabeet just fell into their laps at No. 3, but by securing the second pick, Memphis has a rare opportunity to control its own destiny. Considering how often GM Chris Wallace and his brain trust are publicly chastised, this is a chance to prove they actually know what they're doing.

It's true, being cash-strapped in a small market ties management's hands to a point, but deciding whether to remain committed to Conley as the lead guard of the future is a decision that can be made strictly on basketball instincts alone.

Conley was the consolation prize in a 2007 draft Grizzlies fans hoped would yield Greg Oden or Kevin Durant. Marc Iavaroni lost faith in him by the middle of his second season, but following his dismissal and Hollins' arrival, the 21-year-old closed the regular season playing the best basketball of his career, averaging nearly 15 points and six assists.

Last man standing in a competition that included Kyle Lowry and Javaris Crittenton, Conley finally got healthy enough to show what assets his speed and athleticism can be. He improved his 3-point stroke to keep defenses from playing off of him and limiting his gifts, forming better chemistry with Rudy Gay and O.J. Mayo.

The question now becomes whether he did enough with Hollins' trust for Memphis to avoid the temptation of Rubio, a prodigy of a floor general who the Grizzlies decision-makers are very familiar with. Given that Rubio has played with former standouts Pau Gasol and Juan Carlos Navarro, not to mention current center Marc Gasol, in Spanish national team competitions and league games, they have extensive knowledge on the 18-year-old from the time he hit puberty.

PBN | Draft starts here
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