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PG Mike Conley (1st Team All BIG, NBA All-Star, Oscar Winner, Minnesota Timberwolves)

Conley's departure is a low point
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus- If it's any consolation for the gaping hole he left in the program that has not been filled two years later, Mike Conley Jr. wonders what it would be like if he was still at Ohio State.

"Oh man, I think about it all the time," the second-year point guard with the Memphis Grizzlies said recently. "I watch them on TV and it's crazy to think I could be playing with them. If you went back to college, you'd probably be leaps and bounds ahead of everybody."

Can you hear Thad Matta crying?

Ohio State's coach, who earlier this season told a reporter, "My point guard is in the NBA," has never gotten over losing the on-court extension of himself. And the Buckeyes, without a true point guard and sitting on the bubble for an NCAA Tournament bid, every day feel the loss of the player who in an alternate universe could still be their All-American junior floor leader.

"I know he misses me," Conley said. "I miss him, too. I was probably the one player he thought he could rely on to come back after one year, and I let him down on that end of it."

While the Buckeyes (17-8, 7-7 Big Ten) will be fighting for their postseason lives in Columbus against Penn State (19-8, 8-6) tonight, Conley at the same moment will be tipping off against the Cavaliers at The Q. Conley will do so as a professional sophomore finally finding his way after a coaching change in Memphis a month ago, averaging 14.5 points and 6.5 assists in his last 11 games. At last, it looks like Conley is ready for this level.

What happened? In Conley's mind, it was as simple as new coach Lionel Hollins putting his faith in Conley to run free - you know, kind of like Matta did.

"It's very similar," Conley said. "As a freshman, Thad put a lot of trust in me and told me to lead this team. And now Lionel Hollins and this staff really changed it up and told me to run with it and gave me all the confidence in the world to go out and make this my team."

Conley's departure is a low point - Cleveland.com
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1416501; said:
Tonight if the first time I've been able to watch Conley in the NBA -- man, do I miss him as the Buckeye's PG. He's the ultimate PG. Quick, decisive, breaks down the D, controls the tempo. Now I just wish he could get out of Memphis.

Not going to happen now that they finally gave him a chance. I'd have traded Wally for him if they wanted cap relief again. :wink:
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I'm surprised nobody had mentioned his near triple-double from a week ago. Off the top of my head, 16 points, 11 assists, and 8 boards I think.

A few steals too.

Kid is the quickest PG in the league already....just needs to become more consistent, and develop a respctable jumper.
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Commentary: Conley exit tough on OSU
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
By Jason Lloyd
Journal Register News Service

It has been almost two years since Mike Conley played his final game at Ohio State. Neither has been as successful without the other as they were together.

Conley is now in his second year with the Grizzlies, who have played 138 games since his arrival. They have won just 37 of them ? or two more than Conley won during his one season with the Buckeyes.

It's no wonder, then, that both he and Ohio State coach Thad Matta admit they've caught themselves thinking about what could've been.

"You don't realize it until you're playing against all the ex-Buckeyes in Miami, Portland and Utah," Conley said Tuesday night as the Grizzlies suffered their 101st loss since his arrival. "Man, we could've had a crazy good team if we all stayed. So yeah, it crosses your mind."

Matta was chatting with college basketball analyst Bill Raftery last week about the lineup he could be starting. As Raftery ticked off the list of names like Conley, Greg Oden and Kosta Koufos, Matta just laughed. It beats the alternative, which is weep uncontrollably.

"You could conceivably be starting Michael, Daequan Cook, Evan Turner, Kosta Koufos and Greg Oden," Matta said, "and you're still not starting a senior."

Commentary: Conley exit tough on OSU - The News-Herald Sports : Breaking news coverage for Northern Ohio
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Indy Star

Conley flourishes at point with new coach Hollins

By Jeff Rabjohns
Posted: February 26, 2009

When the Memphis Grizzlies changed coaches in late January, it came with a major impact on Mike Conley.
Conley would be the point guard, new coach Lionel Hollins decreed in his first news conference. No more flip-flopping between Conley and Kyle Lowry. No more confusion about which guy the franchise saw as its future.

Since then, the former Lawrence North High School star has flourished.
Heading into Wednesday's game against the Indiana Pacers in Conseco Fieldhouse, Conley was averaging 14.4 points, 6.2 assists and five rebounds per game in February.
"He told me, 'I'm giving you your chance. You're going to be the guy finishing games, the guy starting games. You're going to be our point guard, and you have to be the leader of this team. Assert yourself and be aggressive,' " Conley said.
"He wants me being a leader vocally, getting guys up for games. When he first told me all that, it was a shock. I started trying to be that person he wants me to be, and it's really helped my game a ton."
Conley had 13 points, eight assists and a career-high tying three steals Wednesday with his father, Mike Conley Sr., sitting courtside. Conley's 3-pointer with 2:52 to play brought Memphis within 95-93, but the Pacers held on to win 104-99.
Under former coach Marc Iavaroni, Conley and Lowry were splitting time at the point. In 96 games under Iavaroni, Conley averaged 8.7 points and 3.7 assists.
Memphis started the year with three point guards in Lowry, traded Feb. 19, Javaris Crittenton, traded Dec. 10, and Conley.
The fourth pick in the 2007 draft after his freshman year at Ohio State, Conley has scored in double figures a career-high 13 consecutive games after Wednesday's game in the building where he helped Lawrence North win three consecutive state titles from 2004-06.
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billmac91;1416572; said:
Dang....oh well.

I think Mike will be a top 5 or 6 PG in 2 or 3 years. Just needs to develop a consistent jump shot and become more consistent. At this moment, I think he is easily the quickest PG in the league.

Eh, a little homerism there? :) I agree with your other points. But there are way too many quick guards to already call Jr. "easily" the quickest.

Just off the top of the dome..

-Devin Harris who set a world record over the all-star break. End to end dribbing a basketball..something like 3.9 seconds.
-Chris Paul
-Aaron Brooks
-Nate Robinson ect..

Then there are a bunch of maturing guards in their mid 20's who are blazers and just as quick as Jr. like a TJ Ford, Tony Parker or Mo Williams. But their games have evolved, and they have learned to turn it on and off when need be.

If Jr. is any quicker than these guys, it is not by much.

But on another note, Conley is looking mighty comfy out there. I'm glad he has confidence. A young player might not always play well, but confidence is everything.
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Player News (last updated: March 5, 2009)News: Conley suffered a chipped tooth in the Grizzlies' win over the Clippers Wednesday, the Memphis Commercial Appeal reports.
Spin: Marko Jaric saw almost 20 minutes of point guard duty in relief, and ball-handling duties were also split among O.J. Mayo, Rudy Gay and Greg Buckner. No word on when Conley should be back, but it should be soon.

Per espn.
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naptownbuck;1417708; said:
Eh, a little homerism there? :) I agree with your other points. But there are way too many quick guards to already call Jr. "easily" the quickest.

Just off the top of the dome..

-Devin Harris who set a world record over the all-star break. End to end dribbing a basketball..something like 3.9 seconds.
-Chris Paul
-Aaron Brooks
-Nate Robinson ect..

Then there are a bunch of maturing guards in their mid 20's who are blazers and just as quick as Jr. like a TJ Ford, Tony Parker or Mo Williams. But their games have evolved, and they have learned to turn it on and off when need be.

If Jr. is any quicker than these guys, it is not by much.

But on another note, Conley is looking mighty comfy out there. I'm glad he has confidence. A young player might not always play well, but confidence is everything.

And no mention of Rondo, pretty quick too IMO
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naptownbuck;1417708; said:
Eh, a little homerism there? :) I agree with your other points. But there are way too many quick guards to already call Jr. "easily" the quickest.

Just off the top of the dome..

-Devin Harris who set a world record over the all-star break. End to end dribbing a basketball..something like 3.9 seconds.
-Chris Paul
-Aaron Brooks
-Nate Robinson ect..

Then there are a bunch of maturing guards in their mid 20's who are blazers and just as quick as Jr. like a TJ Ford, Tony Parker or Mo Williams. But their games have evolved, and they have learned to turn it on and off when need be.

If Jr. is any quicker than these guys, it is not by much.

But on another note, Conley is looking mighty comfy out there. I'm glad he has confidence. A young player might not always play well, but confidence is everything.

I don't think it is homerisitc at all. When he becomes as consistent as some of those guys watch out....unfortunately Mike was 19 when he entered the league, not 22 like Devin Harris. But Mike's speed baseline to baseline, and ability to get where he wants are top notch. There is a reason he was taken top 5 without a jumpshot and under 6 foot.

His speed is a ridiculous.

And Aaron Brooks and Mo Williams don't belong in this list. Both of those guys depend on a jumpshot to create driving lanes. That isn't to say they aren't fast, just not on the same level as Tony Parker, Chris Paul, Rondo.....

Chris Paul and Devin Harris are quick, but I don't think they are as quick as Mike. They both have respectable shots and play under control far more than Mike. They have aslo earned respect of the league and officials which is very underrated for a guard that penetrates the lane in the NBA.
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