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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

Scout $


By Dave Telep...initial Scout coverage on Noopy's upcoming verbal.

Interesting note...Telep lists the candidates for the final schollie in '08 as Roe, Gates, Babbitt and David Ebanks, the #1 SF in the class per Scout. First time I've heard his name mentioned. It will be interesting to see if there is any movement there.
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Welcome aboard Anthony! Another great job by Matta and company recruiting not only a quality player but quality kid off the court. Crater was at the top of the list of targets for Matta and his staff, it will be very interesting to see who will get the final spot in the class. 3 consecutive top 10 classes is unbelievable. I am starting to get worried about 2009, we still do not have any verbals. :biggrin:

:oh: :io:
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