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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

buckeydoptimist;654596; said:
Hopefully, Buford's commitment helps and he is rooting for the good guys at THE GAME. We need another PG badly to get the ball to all these bigs and wings once Butler is gone - to help MC

Well Crater is bascially our only target and we are in very very good shape with him...

I do know that Michigan is trying very very hard to get back into this race, even tho some of their fans will they are not, don't let them fool ya, b/c they are.
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Scout.com$ (Kyle Lamb)

Crater had a very good visit this past weekend and he was very impressed. The fact that Matta plays two point guards is a positive in Crater's eyes. Crater's HS coach says that the visit was very impressive, but did not name a leader. Crater is considering Ohio State, Arizona, Kansas, Florida, Duke, Pittsburgh and Michigan.

My take: We are sitting in good position with Crater, the visit went extremely well.
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Rumor has it that one men?s basketball recruit was so swept up in the hysteria of Michigan weekend that he made a commitment to Ohio State coaches but is holding off announcing it publicly, perhaps until after he can visit Florida.

Ironically, the recruit is from Michigan ? junior point guard Anthony Crater of Flint. Besides taking in the football game, Crater saw firsthand last Friday night how two point guards, Mike Conley Jr. and Jamar Butler, can coexist in coach Thad Matta?s offense, and Crater knows Butler will be gone when he arrives in two years.

Crater?s other finalists are Arizona and Kansas.
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