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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

OSUBasketballJunkie;602692; said:
Rivals.com$ (Illinois site)

Interview with Crater's HS coach. Crater recently visited Illinois and enjoyed his time there. Crater is looking for an offense that focuses on the guards. Illinois, Ohio State, Duke, Florida, Arizona, and Kansas are in the mix.

Which one of those schools is not like the others......?

Illinois, of course! Ha, ha, I jest Illini, I jest.

Nice crop of schools, nonetheless.
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Scout.com$ (Michigan site)

Q/A session with Crater........Crater is looking for a school who runs on offense and brings in other quality players. Crater does not give a top 5, but mentions Ohio State, Arizona, Illinois, Florida and Kansas.

Ohio State.....likes Coach Matta and his interest of the player's lives outside basketball.
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