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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Atlanta Hawks)

“No, I just enjoy the moment, I live in the moment, have fun with it,” Liddell said. “I'm looking forward to it. Like Jamari (Wheeler) said, I'm really excited for this. I've been excited to come into practice and work, getting ready to play.”

Being mentioned as an NBA first rounder is “cool stuff” Liddell said on Thursday.

“That's a dream of mine that I have,” he said. “Like I said, I've truly, honestly been living in the moment. I have fun every single second I'm with these guys. I enjoy my day, and when that stuff happens it happens, but right now I'm just enjoying life and enjoying the moment and living in it.”
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I sincerely appreciate EJ and his efforts at OSU. Dude was a warrior, fought through a lot and always put forth great effort. You can tell he truly cares and has spent a lot of extra time honing his skills. Best of luck to EJ as he moves onto the pros.

Can't put it any better than that. EJ cared about this program and battled, a little surprised he came back but extremely proud of him. Sad to see him move on but I hope he has a great professional career.
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“I don't think reality has really kicked in yet that I wouldn't be able to – this certain group of guys, this is a lot of guys’ last games, older guys, seniors,” Liddell said after the 71-61 final result. “It's tough, man. I'm really hurting inside. I wish I could have done more to help get it done. This group of guys was really determined. We fought through a lot of adversity and injuries this year. I gave it my all this year. I wish I could have done a little bit more, though.”

“To leave my name in the Ohio State fans’ minds and just my legacy here is going to mean a lot, honestly. Got to go win some games first. Have to win some games,” Liddell said Thursday. “I love winning games. No matter how much I score or even if I don't score and we win the game, I'm proud.”
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Officially declared for the draft today.

Go get paid EJ you deserve it. Thanks for some great memories!

E.J. Liddell to forgo senior season with Ohio State Buckeyes, declare for NBA draft

Ohio State junior forward E.J. Liddell will enter the 2022 NBA draft and forgo his remaining college eligibility by hiring an agent, he announced via Twitter on Friday.

"I will cherish the time and commitment of Buckeye Nation," Liddell's statement read in part. "I hope the feeling is mutual! With that, I'd like to announce that I will be hiring an agent and entering the 2022 NBA Draft."
"I'm really excited for E.J. as he begins his NBA career," Holtmann said. "He has developed and grown significantly as a player every single year as a Buckeye, and that will continue to be the case as an NBA player. E.J. has represented our program at the highest level with his excellent play, leadership and of course, his trademark smile. E.J. will always be a Buckeye. We love you, my man."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id...-season-ohio-state-buckeyes-declare-nba-draft
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