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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Atlanta Hawks)

E.J. Liddell to forgo senior season with Ohio State Buckeyes, declare for NBA draft

Ohio State junior forward E.J. Liddell will enter the 2022 NBA draft and forgo his remaining college eligibility by hiring an agent, he announced via Twitter on Friday.

"I will cherish the time and commitment of Buckeye Nation," Liddell's statement read in part. "I hope the feeling is mutual! With that, I'd like to announce that I will be hiring an agent and entering the 2022 NBA Draft."
"I'm really excited for E.J. as he begins his NBA career," Holtmann said. "He has developed and grown significantly as a player every single year as a Buckeye, and that will continue to be the case as an NBA player. E.J. has represented our program at the highest level with his excellent play, leadership and of course, his trademark smile. E.J. will always be a Buckeye. We love you, my man."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id...-season-ohio-state-buckeyes-declare-nba-draft
The suspense was killing me.
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NBA MONEY. E.J. Liddell's just a few weeks away from adding a zero to two to the end of his bank account balance (well, probably – I don't know what his NIL package was looking like this year).

That kind of sudden money can change a guy, but probably not E.J. Liddell – he's a pretty simple man with even simpler taste.

Q. When you earn that first big paycheck, what are you going to do with it?

I’m going to be smart with my money. I’m not a big spender. I’m not a materialistic type of guy, but I’m for-sure going to get a dog wherever I end up. I’m going to make sure I take care of my family. I have to get a financial advisor to know the amount of money I can spend, but until then I’m going to be smart with my money.

Q. What kind of dog will you get?

I’m looking for a big dog. I don’t know the specific type, but if I see one that I like I might say, ‘Yeah, that’s the one.’

I made exactly two life-changing purchases the minute I got my first big boy paycheck – a couch and a cat. One is soft, hangs out with me all day and snuggles me to sleep regularly. The other shits in a box and demands that I scoop it daily or he pisses on my floor....:lol:

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...rin-and-cam-heyward-are-media-darlings-and-ej
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2022 NBA Draft: CBS Sports ranks top 30 prospects


Liddell is one of the most productive prospects in the draft and already carries with him an impressive collegiate resume. While he may not have as much upside as some of the names on this list, he has great potential to be an immediate factor and a mainstay around the league.

Norlander’s Take: “I'm ranking the Ohio State product this high despite skepticism he'll ever rise to the level of making even one All-Star Game. Instead, how about: three contracts or more in the NBA while playing as the fourth-, fifth- or sixth-best player on a roster for the majority of his career. That sound good?”

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/aubur...ranks-top-30-prospects-189026997/#189026997_5

EJ the #10 pick?
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I don't think EJ expected to fall to the second round. I do think someone is going to get a steal now, though.
One of the reasons the NBA is unwatchable anymore (for me anyway) is that it's a league that pushes style over substance. Teams are going to draft the very raw kid with the undeveloped skills after 1 year in college over the kid that works his tail off to improve his game, has the fundamentals, but maybe lacks the measurables/skills that grab your eyes in meaningless workouts. I can't be bothered to go back and look, but I'd wager first-round picks today bust at a significantly higher rate than they did pre-2000's when most kids spent 3-4 years in college.

I haven't followed the NBA a lick in 6 years, but hopefully, E.J. can land on a team that will give him a fair shake.
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One of the reasons the NBA is unwatchable anymore (for me anyway) is that it's a league that pushes style over substance.

Case in point, Detroit just spent their second round pick on a 20 year old kid from Italy who is expected to spend 2 years on the bench to "develop".

Meanwhile, EJ is still waiting. They could've paired him with Jaden Ivey to start turning their team around now but went Italian Darko Milicic instead.
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Case in point, Detroit just spent their second round pick on a 20 year old kid from Italy who is expected to spend 2 years on the bench to "develop".

Meanwhile, EJ is still waiting. They could've paired him with Jaden Ivey to start turning their team around now but went Italian Darko Milicic instead.
It's a dreck product. Been going steadily downhill for 20+ years. After I saw the Cavs get a ring, I tuned out.

It's a shame, because I'd put 1980's & '90's NBA up against any league, any era, as the most captivating sports entertainment ever.
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