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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Atlanta Hawks)

Case in point, Detroit just spent their second round pick on a 20 year old kid from Italy who is expected to spend 2 years on the bench to "develop".

Meanwhile, EJ is still waiting. They could've paired him with Jaden Ivey to start turning their team around now but went Italian Darko Milicic instead.

At least they waited till the 2nd round to draft some Euro with a extremely low chance of turning out, plenty of teams end up doing that same thing in the 1st round.
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Surrounded by community, Ohio State's E.J. Liddell is picked by New Orleans in NBA draft

The bus was waiting as the two coaches finished their conversation outside.

E.J. Liddell was in the process of defending both his title as Illinois Mr. Basketball as well as the first state title in Belleville West history, and his current coach was talking with his future one. Ohio State’s Chris Holtmann had taken a private jet to watch Liddell, who was signed to play for the Buckeyes in the 2019 class, and as the Maroons boarded the bus he wrapped up a conversation with coach Joe Muniz.

As he did, Holtmann told Muniz what was ahead for Liddell when he got to the Big Ten. He will struggle, Holtmann told Muniz. All freshmen do. But it will be about how he gets through it that will determine whether he becomes a great player.

Liddell, in other words, would have to prove it all over again. Three years, two first-team all-Big Ten selections and more than 1,000 points later, Liddell was surrounded by more than 200 friends and family members inside the St. Clair Country Club when NBA deputy commissioner Mark Tatum announced the 41st pick in the 2022 NBA draft.


When he did, and Liddell heard his name called out on the broadcast projected onto a giant screen, a cacophony of sound swept through the room and shook the floor. Liddell was headed to New Orleans, but for the moment he couldn’t lift his head from his hands as he wept.

He had hoped to go higher in the draft. He could feel the collective anxiety growing in the room as 40 other players were selected ahead of him. But now, Liddell has a team and a clear focus on what comes next.

“I’ve been proving people wrong my whole, entire life so this isn’t anything new,” Liddell said, still wiping tears from his eyes a few moments later. “I’m gonna keep doing that until the day I’m gone. I’m happy they took a chance on me and I appreciate them for the opportunity.”

Now there’s work to be done. But as Liddell, his family and his former coaches all said, that’s just fine. He's already proven up to the task.
With NBA opportunity, E.J. Liddell ready to prove himself again
Holtmann’s words to Muniz three years ago proved prophetic. Liddell hit adversity as a freshman at Ohio State, but it didn't last. After playing only 13 minutes in a home loss to Wisconsin on Jan. 3, 2020, Liddell had his lone requested meeting of the season with Holtmann to discuss his playing time. The coach was succinct: practice harder if you want to play more.

“It was the shortest conversation I’ve ever had with a player like that,” Holtmann said. “It was really, really short, because he was just like, ‘OK. I got it.’ He took it to heart. Never heard from his mom. Never heard from his dad. He just responded like you would hope every player would in that moment.”
That’s why Muniz said he has no doubts Liddell will do it again at the NBA level.

“He will use this as motivation, because that’s how he’s gonna roll,” he said. “It doesn’t matter where he was picked. He’s got a place to play and now he’s got to go prove himself, just like he would if he got drafted No. 1.”

Or, as Pedon put it, “When you (tick) that guy off, look out.”

In the end, the community that has supported him throughout had one final gift to give. Bentley Kreher, a youngster whom Liddell befriended while in high school after he went through a difficult time in his life, came to the party with his mother, Ashley, and brought his favorite player a present.

Wrapped inside a gift bag was a card, a letter and a personalized tumbler emblazoned with photos of Liddell with a 16-word message.

It said: “Some people want it to happen/Some people wish it to happen/Others make it happen.”

Now Liddell gets to go make it happen again. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

Entire article: https://www.buckeyextra.com/story/s...periences-emotional-nba-draft-day/7720358001/
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