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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Atlanta Hawks)

Big Ten Player of the Week

COLUMBUS, Ohio – After leading No. 15 Ohio State to a pair of victories last week, junior forward E.J. Liddell has been named the Co-Big Ten Player of the Week. Liddell shares this week’s honor with Purdue’s Trevion Williams.

Liddell averaged 21.5 points, 8.0 rebounds, 3.5 assists and shot 63.6 percent from the floor in wins over Towson and No. 22 Wisconsin. He was also 13-of-15 from the free throw line.

In the win over Towson, Liddell scored 15 points on 8-of-8 from the free throw line and had three assists. Against Wisconsin, the Belleville, Ill., native led the Buckeyes to a dominating 73-55 win with a game-high 28 points on a career-best 11-of-16 shooting. He was also just one rebound away from a double-double, finishing with nine boards to go along with four assists and two blocks.

For the year, Liddell has scored 20 or more points five times and has dished-out three or more assists in six of the 10 games. He is among the league leaders in points per game at 20.6 and is third in the country in free throws attempted at 75.
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