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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

“The two things they hit on the most was consistent shooting, defensive versatility,” Holtmann said on Tuesday. “The ball-handling piece was sort of third in their mind, or at least from the people we talked to. I think that's an important skill for him to continue to grow and improve in, but the other two areas, I think, for his development are most important. And most of the NBA teams we talked about. I think it's those three things, really. He's probably got to continue to improve his body. But shooting, defensive versatility and then ball-handling.”
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Iron Man – E.J. Liddell

Iron Man is the hero that you need to have on your team to be successful. He’s got all the tools and knows exactly how to use them. That is EJ Liddell for Ohio State. He is a three-level scorer, top level rebounder and can play the defensive end quite well.

Liddell is returning as one of the top players in the Big Ten and Iron Man is one of the top Avengers in the lineup. Another similarity is they are always taking on the other teams best. Liddell is the focal point of all defenses when they play Ohio State and you can beat, whenever a villian is going against superheroes, they have game planned for Iron Man.
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“I came back looking to be one of the Buckeye greats, really,” Liddell said. “I want to be talked about like Aaron Craft. Everybody loves Aaron Craft. He shows his face and all Buckeye Nation loves him. You look at guys like that who have left their mark on this university. I want to be one of those guys.

“I just have to play my hardest. Everybody loves Kyle Young because he gives 110 percent every single time. That’s all I’m looking forward to is making Buckeye Nation proud, really.”
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“I came back looking to be one of the Buckeye greats, really,” Liddell said. “I want to be talked about like Aaron Craft. Everybody loves Aaron Craft. He shows his face and all Buckeye Nation loves him. You look at guys like that who have left their mark on this university. I want to be one of those guys.

“I just have to play my hardest. Everybody loves Kyle Young because he gives 110 percent every single time. That’s all I’m looking forward to is making Buckeye Nation proud, really.”

Chris Jent was an inspiration to me back when I first started following basketball. Back in my ball playing days, we used to call diving to save a loose ball from going out of bounds a "Jent", because Chris was well-known for his hustle on those plays... floor burns, near face-plants, running into the scorer's table/cheerleaders and all. He gave up his body to get that ball. And he was as skilled a 3-point shooter as we had for a while there too.
Between Jent, Craft, and Sully, their hustle, effort, and enthusiasm ought to be contagious all the way up and down the bench. Looking forward to seeing what Coach Jent can teach these guys :biggrin:

Just sayin': Everybody loved and used to talk about Aaron Craft and Chris Jent because they (in addition to being a great player) always hustled and literally dove for the loose balls, etc.
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