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People to Punch, Pet Peeves, and General Vexations (mega-merge)

I don't know if this is the right tread or not but lately I've been seeing so many obese, unkempt young people out in public, more than I've ever seen in my life. These people are a bit different from the fats of old, some of them have their weight distributed so odd that they barely look human. They look like they've spent the last 5 years sitting in the same position and consuming mass calories. I hate to say it but I don't see any kind of hope or chance for these people. Their parents or parent will take care of this person until they die and they should, for allowing this to happen. I also see a lot of old boomers who are either widowers, widows or divorcees. They look like freaking goblins. Mostly obese, wearing flip flops, yellow claws sticking from the toes and the the most unhuman look in their eyes. These look like people that no one would ever approach. How did we get here?
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I don't know if this is the right tread or not but lately I've been seeing so many obese, unkempt young people out in public, more than I've ever seen in my life. These people are a bit different from the fats of old, some of them have their weight distributed so odd that they barely look human. They look like they've spent the last 5 years sitting in the same position and consuming mass calories. I hate to say it but I don't see any kind of hope or chance for these people. Their parents or parent will take care of this person until they die and they should, for allowing this to happen. I also see a lot of old boomers who are either widowers, widows or divorcees. They look like freaking goblins. Mostly obese, wearing flip flops, yellow claws sticking from the toes and the the most unhuman look in their eyes. These look like people that no one would ever approach. How did we get here?
Professional vapers.
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