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People to Punch, Pet Peeves, and General Vexations (mega-merge)

I don't know if this is strong enough to be one of my pet peeves or not. But if I'm driving through an intersection - I have the green light - and some dirtbag is coming from my right and wants to turn right on red, and he doesn't stop before pulling out in front of me, it's annoying to me. And I'm not saying that he has to come to a complete stop for 3 seconds. I'm just tired of the entitled f-goobs who see that there's a space between me and the guy in front of me, and says, "I can fit in there," all while rolling through the right turn. Then I have to hit my brakes because of that corncob.
It's one thing if you're pulling out of a driveway or something without a traffic light and there's enough traffic that you may not get a chance to pull out without forcing other people to slow down for you. But this is at a traffic light. Wait 10 more seconds and you'll have your own green light. Or wait until there's a little bit more of a window so you don't bother other drivers.
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People driving has become a huge issue lately. People driving too fast or too slow, running red lights, driving slow in the left lane on the freeway, etc. I wanted to murder people on Saturday when I got stuck behind a BMW SUV that was driving 29 in a 35 for 2 miles then later that trip a motorcycle was weaving back and forth and between traffic to get to the front of the light then shot off going 60 in a 35. I get to the next light and he's still stuck waiting for the light and does it all over again.

We did get some satisfaction last night when we approached a flashing red light and the dummy in front of us slowed a little then went through. A cop pulled out from the other direction and pulled them over. Cop was just waiting for someone to run the light.
I don't know if this is strong enough to be one of my pet peeves or not. But if I'm driving through an intersection - I have the green light - and some dirtbag is coming from my right and wants to turn right on red, and he doesn't stop before pulling out in front of me, it's annoying to me. And I'm not saying that he has to come to a complete stop for 3 seconds. I'm just tired of the entitled f-goobs who see that there's a space between me and the guy in front of me, and says, "I can fit in there," all while rolling through the right turn. Then I have to hit my brakes because of that corncob.
It's one thing if you're pulling out of a driveway or something without a traffic light and there's enough traffic that you may not get a chance to pull out without forcing other people to slow down for you. But this is at a traffic light. Wait 10 more seconds and you'll have your own green light. Or wait until there's a little bit more of a window so you don't bother other drivers.
My big pet peeve is when you're waiting to make a left turn at a light and you miss it because someone is going just slow enough that you have to wait for them and it either makes you miss the gap or causes the gap from their car behind them to close. Also yard workers that don't cover their debris and shit goes flying out as they drive down the road.
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My big pet peeve is when you're waiting to make a left turn at a light and you miss it because someone is going just slow enough that you have to wait for them and it either makes you miss the gap or causes the gap from their car behind them to close.
I came here to post this same thing.

Young, able bodied people who use the mobility scooters to shop. I saw a young "couple" doing this yesterday, just taking a joy ride around the store while the elderly and obese had to walk.
The obese should probably walk.
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I was just at the grocery store. When I pulled into the parking lot a woman on a fatmobile was riding up to her car, with a store employee following her to retrieve the cart and she saw that I was behind her. She pulled over to the side, right in front of the empty spot I was going to pull into and signaled me to pass her. It took her a while to become aware that I wanted to park there. She moved and I pulled into the spot, as I got out of my car I could hear her mumbling under her breath.
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I was just at the grocery store. When I pulled into the parking lot a woman on a fatmobile was riding up to her car, with a store employee following her to retrieve the cart and she saw that I was behind her. She pulled over to the side, right in front of the empty spot I was going to pull into and signaled me to pass her. It took her a while to become aware that I wanted to park there. She moved and I pulled into the spot, as I got out of my car I could hear her mumbling under her breath.
Cart Narcs!!
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I was just at the grocery store. When I pulled into the parking lot a woman on a fatmobile was riding up to her car, with a store employee following her to retrieve the cart and she saw that I was behind her. She pulled over to the side, right in front of the empty spot I was going to pull into and signaled me to pass her. It took her a while to become aware that I wanted to park there. She moved and I pulled into the spot, as I got out of my car I could hear her mumbling under her breath.
Maybe she was filming a I’m a sloth and here’s the drugs I take commercial.

Life’s a bitch then you die, right
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