This shit happens a lot in Hawaii. By the triathlon shop where I train, there's a four-way intersection where the main arterial crosses a side street. The main street has no stop signs and the side street does--one on either side. People driving down the main street will slow down and even stop sometimes for people sitting at the stop signs, despite the fact it would've been quicker for those at the stop sign if Kimo Aloha would've just kept on driving through.On my morning commute I have to head North on a side street and make a left turn at a standard four-way intersection onto a busy one-way East-West arterial. I put on my turn signal. Cars going directly South through the intersection (i.e., heading directly towards me on the side street) often, but not always, wait for me to turn instead of proceeding expeditiously through the intersection even though they have the right of way. If they would just go I wouldn't get hung up when the East-West traffic comes by again as often happens because I always have to wait to figure out if they're going to go or not since some of them do understand that they have the right of way. I hate to have a pet peeve against excessive misguided politeness, but there it is.