Legion of Lions
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Re:The REAL Problem with Media "Reporting" Reply
As hard as it is to believe, there has been some "good" come of the PSU crucifixion. The past 3 years have exposed SERIOUS flaws in our legal system and how easily the mass media can distort the truth and deceive the public at large. It has exposed that the media can be used as a major weapon of mass deception (WMD).
The laws, as they are now written and practiced, have too many "loopholes" which can be politically exploited to create not a knowledgeable public - but a public drunk on the propaganda of media promotion and profits. THIS IS ONLY POSSIBLE because "..there are no sheriffs enforcing the foundation principals of a First Amendment free press - fair and honest reporting.
What we have today is a propaganda machine answering only to big $$$ that can say anything it wants because its lying is protected by loopholes in our existing Libel and slander laws.
This article's statement (in a publicly credible media source) is
so far from the truth that libel and slander protection should AUTOMATICALLY be invoked. Oh, I forgot, media lairs are protected by legal loopholes and our "Constitutional" rights to "Free Speech". Quick Constitutional note.....Free Speech has never been protected when it promotes falsehoods - falsehoods of this magnitude are PROPAGANDA.
The propaganda content in this article sounds a lot like something that would be more at home in Germany in the late 30's.
What Penn State and the Paternos should be doing is NOT championing "Child Protection" - it just re-enforces the "story" that PSU is guilty of abusing children. What needs to be done is to point out the propaganda aspect of the media and then spearhead getting THE LAWS CHANGED so that our laws are both FAIR and EFFECTIVE - meaning total lies like this are legally prosecuted.
This would protect the public from a lynch mob mentality like what we have seen in the Sandusky "story". This approach would be MUCH more effective in reducing the propaganda factor in the news - a factor that only creates the public deception and new injustice.