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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

ESPN reporting on site at the statue. Line of 50 people, including Franco Harris who offered up, "We don't care about the banners flying overhead. OK? The statue should stay."

I want grainy iPhone photos of Franco Harris outside his pop-up tent weilding a phone and guarding the statue, dammit! :pissed:
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Dryden;2181904; said:
ESPN reporting on site at the statue. Line of 50 people, including Franco Harris who offered up, "We don't care about the banners flying overhead. OK? The statue should stay."

I want grainy iPhone photos of Franco Harris outside his pop-up tent weilding a phone and guarding the statue, dammit! :pissed:
Best part? These mutants don't realize just how goofy they look, and still get fired up when you refer to them as a cult. It takes generations of inbreeding to become that obtuse.

Paterno's wife, Sue, visited the statue Friday, along with her son, David, and daughter, Mark Kay Hort. Former Penn State All-American and Paterno supporter Franco Harris also stopped at the statue.
Tell me this is not a cult.
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NFBuck;2181912; said:
Best part? These mutants don't realize just how goofy they look, and still get fired up when you refer to them as a cult. It takes generations of inbreeding to become that obtuse.

Tell me this is not a cult.

The Royal Family and High Priest of the Cult just wanted one more memory before it is moved into the Joe Paterno Museum where it will be safe and sound and forever cherished. Just like the Dead sea scrolls. :tongue2:
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Dryden;2181904; said:
ESPN reporting on site at the statue. Line of 50 people, including Franco Harris who offered up, "We don't care about the banners flying overhead. OK? The statue should stay."

I want grainy iPhone photos of Franco Harris outside his pop-up tent weilding a phone and guarding the statue, dammit! :[censored]ed:

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Dryden;2181904; said:
ESPN reporting on site at the statue. Line of 50 people, including Franco Harris who offered up, "We don't care about the banners flying overhead. OK? The statue should stay."

Reeeeeaaaaaally?! Why did all the announcements about making a decision happen right after the banner flew? It woke somebody up in Slappy Valley. Do you guys still have the number for the ad company in Genoa? I wonder what the next banner should say....
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"Stay away from our stachyou, ya hear?"

I've always been enamored with these cultists pictured. Is that his daughter? Sister? The rest of the pics I've seen they seem married, but I'll be damned if they don't appear to be from the same gene pool...
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Oh8ch;2181846; said:
Here is an Audibles thread worth watching.


Started by one of their insiders. It is titled "A Sandusky Victim speaks" and contains this quote.

No source given. No response to requests for a source.

I found the source. An anonymous post under this article.


Passing off fabricated quotes from supposed victims to make their case. Another line crossed.

No source? Shocker!This was completely expected from those inbreds.
Next, those people will be claiming Joe tried to stop Sandusky, but was over-ruled by Spanier and company.
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Paternoville Cultists Protects Statue from Communist Media Inspired Attack on Sacred Icon.
Associated Press
AP is reporting thousands of cult worshipers wearing explosives have chained themselves to cult leaders iconic statue. Their spoksman Franco Harris said " the outsiders will drown in a sea of blood!" "There are only true believers here!"
"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes." "There are no media infidels in Happy Valley. Never!"
And "I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the NCAA!"
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malibuspeedrace;2181694; said:
Not to sure if he understands what all this commotion is about still.

I know it is a good time to mock the fans...and given how Audibles treated OSU and our fans during our NCAA troubles I can fully understand. But I have to say that beyond the disconnected and borderline crazy vocal minority: they are handling this as well as can be expected given the circumstances. We had our nutbars too and their situation is FAR, FAR worse..

That said, there are two issues even some of the more grounded PSU fans don't seem to be connecting in a logic way. One is the purpose or intent of any NCAA punishment. I'm not talking about all PSU fans...but perhaps more than the number that are worried about defending the statue. Some seem to think the NCAA wants to punish PSU for what Jerry did or to give justice to the children he molested.

JewniorGong wrote: I wonder how many scholarships and years of not being allowed to play in a (most likely) meaningless football game after a pre-determined date (end of the "regular season") the NCAA considers to be the price of a bunch of kids' innocence.

How sanctimoniously arbitrary and missing the point

I don't think some of them understand what the NCAA is talking about. Any punishment they issue won't be reflective of what they view as the "price of a bunch of kid's innocence". The NCAA is reviewing the policy and procedure of how and who made decisions at PSU. It has ZERO to do with Sandusky and the children directly, but rather the mechanics of how it all stayed hidden for so long.

They (the NCAA) are labeling PSU's institutional culture as 'off the tracks' and a colossal failure on a level they have never seen before and hope to never see again (paraphrasing Emmert). When he says that he is speaking to the way the information was not acted on by the PSU administration, not what Jerry did.

The intent of a bowl ban, lost scholarships, or even the death penalty for that matter, should the NCAA decide to sanction PSU, would not be to try and make it right for the children. Rather it would be two fold: to punish PSU for the failure of the institution to address/handle the reports and information properly and to serve as a warning beacon to other universities to make sure this drama is never repeated.

Something is likely coming from the NCAA...but I personally very much doubt it will be the death penalty. Whatever it is: it won't be an effort to make it OK for the children or indicate what they view the penance to be for Jerry's felonious actions...it will be intended to ensure this won't happen again and to lower football's importance in the university culture.

Clearly at least SOME of the administrators were aware of the initial investigation and so it should have gone directly to the police in 2001. We can argue details all day but none of it changes the big picture: the university as a whole had a failure in judgement and decision making that led to a moral train wreck. What Joe knew, how much detail was communicated to Spanier... what were those emails really about...what did Mike REALLY see...should the statue stay or go...warring over these items is just moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic. In the end it doesn't make any difference if everyone knew everything..or only part of it... the school already hit the iceberg and the football program is taking on NCAA water.

Emmert already made up his mind with regard to Freeh report and whether football was involved. He clearly thinks the bad decisions were made at least partially out of deference to the football program...and that is what any punishment will be about.

I'll comment on the other logic break in a subsequent post.
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Oh8ch;2181846; said:
Here is an Audibles thread worth watching.


Started by one of their insiders. It is titled "A Sandusky Victim speaks" and contains this quote.

No source given. No response to requests for a source.

I found the source. An anonymous post under this article.


Passing off fabricated quotes from supposed victims to make their case. Another line crossed.

Worse than an anonymous post - another poster calls him out:

@davidpsu-1st of all you are not anonymous-a simple google tells us who you are. I can find no information on a victim#12 from the Sandusky case [there were only 10 at trial]. There were as many as 20 that spoke out eventually, but none were numbered after #10, to my knowledge; nor can I find the quote you attribute to your self. I do see that you are a graduate of PSU.
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HINYG8;2181983; said:
I know it is a good time to mock the fans...and given how Audibles treated OSU and our fans during our NCAA troubles I can fully understand. But I have to say that beyond the disconnected and borderline crazy vocal minority: they are handling this as well as can be expected given the circumstances.

Everything that follows is spot on, but I disagree with this statement. The problem at Penn State goes far beyond a few message board crazies. I wouldn't look at BWI or Audibles as a crazy vocal minority but rather a reflection (extreme in a funhouse mirror sense, yet accurate at its core) of the ped aggy majority. They had open alumni elections to their board of trustees in the aftermath of the scandal, and they elected Anthony Lubrano. That, to me, says that the majority are the root cause of the warped institutional priorities that enabled the lack of institutional control through what Emmert described as their "cult-like reverence for Mr. Paterno."

Mr. Emmert also said that, "this is unique in American university life." I agree with him here also. This isn't just a larger scale version of what we went through centered around worse transgressions. It is a unique situation in which a football coach took--with the willing acquiescence of virtually every major constituency of the university--full control of the institution.
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They keep claiming

That the Sandusky crimes were not a football issue, and you know what I totally agree with them....

If Sandusky does his dirty deeds and everybody else does the "human" and right thing... PSU gets a sight PR hickup and moves on...

The issue with everybody is a coverup/football issue. None of what is going on now is about Sandusky's actions.... its about everybody around him and there lack of action.

example 1 of they don't get it.

Re: Anyone notice the updated TV coverage of the games?Reply One more time for anyone and everyone....Sandusky scandal was not football scandal. No reason for psu football to be punished. And of course people still want to watch psu sports including footballPosted from Rivals Mobile
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