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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Jaxbuck;2179618; said:
Had a recent PSU grad interview for a job today.

He commented on how it's been a tough year to be a PSU fan. I said something along the lines of "yeah well that's a pretty horrific thing that happened." His next words were "I just hope nothing happens to the football team."

I kid you not.

If you hire him I will personally reach through 10,000 miles of ethernet and fiber optic cable and strangle you at your keyboard...
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Jaxbuck;2179618; said:
Had a recent PSU grad interview for a job today.

He commented on how it's been a tough year to be a PSU fan. I said something along the lines of "yeah well that's a pretty horrific thing that happened." His next words were "I just hope nothing happens to the football team."

I kid you not.

So, uh, what position are you hiring him for?
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Dryden;2179599; said:
The obvious solution is to fill out the Board with more Trustees that troll Internet football forums.


Feel like there could be a good meme from this pic.
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BuckeyeMike80;2179536; said:
:slappy: NICE

The Gamble pick in 2002 is still the loudest I've ever personally heard the Shoe get. I couldn't hear a damn thing for the rest of the game.

WHAT??? :lol: I was at that game too...don't know that I've ever seen a game dominated by 2 defenses quite like that one. And oh what a loud crowd.
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BuckeyeMike80;2179536; said:
:slappy: NICE

The Gamble pick in 2002 is still the loudest I've ever personally heard the Shoe get. I couldn't hear a damn thing for the rest of the game.

Still gives me goosebumps.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fb3Vzf_hpw"]Chris Gamble INT Return vs. PSU 2002 - YouTube[/ame]
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Oh8ch;2179614; said:
Also, link to Mark Emmert on Tavis Smiley:
TAVIS SMILEY | Mark Emmert | PBS - YouTube

Some comments on another board I read re: this interview -- sounds like the pedtards might need to start worrying..

Just watched Mark Emmert on PBS. For the first time, I feel it very likely Penn State is going to get hammered. I don't see any discussion here unless I missed it as I was sleeping. PBS airs the show in a lot of markets the next day, so summary of interview since I can't find link are:

*The NCAA is awaiting Penn State's response to the 4 questions he submitted in November. He made special mention that in this situation he wrote the letter himself. He said he needs a response quickly, "weeks not months."

* said it was a football issue, and also a systemic failure

Emmert quote:

" it's hard to look at that report and not conclude there were systemic failures across the institution including, and especially in some cases the athletic department, that strike at the heart of what education and what athletics is supposed to be about."

-another scary Emmert quote if you're a Penn State fan,

" This is so big. This issue is unlike anything that college athletics has ever seen. We can't simply walk away from this one and say, gee, I don't know that this fits the normal pattern. It doesn't fit any normal pattern thank god, but it certainly strikes at the core values we hold closely."

*Said precedent isn't much of a concern as this was unprecedented.

* Refused to take death penalty off the table. Only part of the interview where he was somewhat nuanced. When asked about the penalty, his response was in the vein of to paraphrase, "Some say this wasn't a football problem. It was, but it was that, and more."

* Spoke vaguely of the morals and ethics clauses in relation to where violations occurred.

I really thought he'd be more political and avoid any tough questions, but while he didn't render judgement yet as far as what they'll do, it has to be unnerving to PSU fans as he gave the impression that it's certainly within their purview.
There is a 2 minute clip on youtube, but it doesn't do the interview justice.

Really, just listening to him, he almost implies it's a matter of what penalties they'll apply rather than if.Just the impression I get. At the conclusion he hedges a bit with a comment about "if charges are brought." Some more quotes from pausing my DVR, any mistakes are not intentional, but I'll be close and not change context.

When questioned what NCAA violations Penn State may have violated-

"The fundamental core of what the NCAA is supposed to be doing is promoting athletics in a collegiate environment, and supporting all of the values that come along with collegiate athletics. The values of not just fair play, but of high ethical standards and honesty and integrity." "We will get answers back from them -on the 4 questions in the NCAA letter- on those questions of institutional control, demonstrate to us that you had control over this program in a way that would allow you to follow all the rules and comply with the values of athletics. Demonstrate to us, convince us, that everyone behaved in an ethical fashion. Then we are going to go back and determine if they meet those definitions."

Regarding Paterno having too much control-

"This isn't about being too big to fail, this is more like being too big to even question, or to even intrude on or control, and if these are the realities that were going on in this program, we need to figure out how to fix that culture. Here are these unbelievable acts that were enabled, or at least not stopped, and come across as institutional failure. Something certainly appears, and the Freeh report points in this direction, that was just out of kilter in terms of the power relationships and the authority relationships. That just can't happen."
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OneBuckeye;2179345; said:

Sources close to the Jerry Sandusky case say that three men have come forward and told police that they were abused in the 1970s or 1980s by the convicted pedophile.

They are the first men to allege abuse before the 1990s, and if found to be credible, would directly attack the 68-year-old's defense argument that a person doesn't become pedophile in his or her 50s.

'you're correct, Jerry. a person doesn't become a pederast rapist in his 50s. you've been one your entire adult life.'


burn that whole place to the ground. not just the football program. the entire school. seriously.
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