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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

The Pitt coach is just...

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Apparently it happened:

Buckeye Plan Is Plane and Simple

Ohio State sports information director Steve Snapp was on the second plane, which obviously made a successful landing.
“I had gotten back from my stay in Vietnam not long before that,” Snapp said. “I was used to that kind of duty.”

Entire article: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-oct-09-sp-40901-story.html
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I posted somewhere else - probably the Iowa thread - that Iowa and Penn State are still bitching at each other, and it is still funny. Now that Iowa lost to Purdue, Penn State might as well have won the national championship. It's pretty funny.

This guy says it has to do with the fact that Iowa was bad sports, and they deserved to lose. And when Iowa goes to Happy Valley in a few years, he's okay with booing injured players because Iowa fans started it.
PSU fans don't forget. Next time they come to Beaver Stadium and one of the Hawkeyes is writhing on the ground with a torn ACL, the booing will be something. I don't like it at all, it could become a really bad fan custom, but Iowa fans started it and then Ferentz defended it (which was a huge, huge mistake on his part).
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I posted somewhere else - probably the Iowa thread - that Iowa and Penn State are still bitching at each other, and it is still funny. Now that Iowa lost to Purdue, Penn State might as well have won the national championship. It's pretty funny.

This guy says it has to do with the fact that Iowa was bad sports, and they deserved to lose. And when Iowa goes to Happy Valley in a few years, he's okay with booing injured players because Iowa fans started it.
In other words, they're fine behaving in ways I'm currently teaching my 4 year old are unacceptable.
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