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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

This will turn into them telling themselves "we had a NC team in '21 until those classless dirtbags in Iowa took out Mustipher and Clifford. Never the same team after that...etc, etc,etc" they retell it so many times it will be gospel according to Joesus in a couple of years.
Put them in the ring of honor now.
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As a matter of fact, based on decades of experience and having been around a lot of fan bases in a lot of sports bars; yes, Iowa fans are classless.

Fanbases have cultures; some are better than others. Culture matters. Nebraska has a great culture. I have yet to meet a group of Nebraska fans that was not respectful to their opponent. ("Group" is the key word in that sentence. Get anyone 1-on-1 and you get to know them. Get a bunch of fans together and you will get to know that fanbase's culture.)

Iowa fans on the other hand are trash. Absolute trash. I'd say act like you've been there before, but the last time they got within sniffing distance of it, Chris Spielman took their lunch money and sent them home in tears in the rain.

Iowa fans are classless. It's true.

Penn State fans are criminals. They are the worst blight on this planet and this would be a better world if they were all dead. This includes my cousins. Not sorry that I'm not sorry.

Now do Wisconsin.
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"First of all, I would ask anybody that's listening to take your Penn State hat off or take your Iowa hat off and I'm just going to talk in what I believe and what I think, from a strategy standpoint, from a common-sense perspective, from, what's good for college football in my opinion," Franklin said. "So how does this strategy makes sense against a huddle team? People use this strategy to slow people down. Spread offenses tempo offenses. They (Iowa) huddle. So that strategy did not make sense in this situation. And in our six years of playing them. Six years straight, 4-2 as our record, has that ever shown up? Has anybody seen that in my eight years as a head coach has that showed up at Penn State, in my 12 years as a head coach has that showed up? It has not shown up.

"Plus our defense is playing lights out. Our defense is playing great. We turn the ball over to start the game, inside the 5-yard line and hold them to a field goal. So again, go, go back and check it. I got tremendous respect for the University of Iowa. Got tremendous respect for their fans. It was a hell of a game in a tough environment. Not making excuses. I'm just stating how I see the facts, take, take your fan hats off. I want to Penn State fans to take their hats off."
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As someone who is below average at expressing his thoughts, I want to say that James Franklin is not good at expressing what he's thinking.
I'd like to see the average yards per play Iowa got all game vs. the average yards per play Iowa got on the plays immediately before a Penn State injury (i.e. the play the injury happened) vs. the average yards per play Iowa got on the plays immediately following a Penn State injury (i.e. the play after the officials' time out). From watching the first half, it appeared Iowa was being held in check, and the injuries seemed to happen on the big plays. And the next plays were typically in Penn State's favor.
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This Penn State-Iowa battle is fun. This guy is talking about how he wants to see Iowa in State College in 2023.

October 28, 2023 can't come soon enough - hopefully we get a huge lead and empty the bench and run the score up on these Turds - would love to see an O Lineman get the ball at the 1 and run it in with no time on the clock and a 30 point lead.

I love how they're so angry about using an offensive lineman to run the ball in for a touchdown, like it's an overpowered character in a video game. Don't you think other teams would do that if it was so overpowered? By the way, they're grumpy about Michigan State doing that to them a little while ago. 2015?

Ha - I found it.

Go to 7:46. Michigan State was winning 48-16 and kicking off with about 10 minutes to go in the game. Penn State fumbles and Michigan State gets the ball at the 9. They lined up with an offensive lineman next to the quarterback. He's the running back. Then a straight hand-off to the lineman/running back. It isn't a trick play. Stiff arm at the 5 and he's in the endzone. Other than putting the punt team out there and telling the punter to punt out of the stadium, what else could Dantonio have done to not score? I mean... you want your players to keep trying, right? Put an offensive lineman and hand him the ball. I can see Dantonio on a conference call with all his other coaches on the headsets. "Who here thinks this guy will fumble it? It's about 50/50 on fumble before he gets to the line of scrimmage or trips over the line of scrimmage. We're up by 32 - Let's do this." Then, "I'll be a nerd's fart - he scored."
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