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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Just sayin': Says the coach of the team that has the worst fans in all of college football.....:lol:

Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz defends fans booing Penn State players going down

Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz said that while some Penn State players injured in Saturday's game had legitimate ailments, he understands why Hawkeyes fans booed when other Nittany Lions players went down.

Ferentz on Tuesday noted that Penn State quarterback Sean Clifford did not return to the game after leaving early in the second quarter and that he could see another Nittany Lions player on the bench with an ice bag on his leg.

"I hope those guys are well, I don't know what their status is," Ferentz said. "Nobody wants to see anybody get hurt. But I think probably [the booing] is a reaction to, there were a couple of guys that were down for the count and then were back a play or two later. Our fans aren't stupid. They're watching, they know what's going on.

"I've been here 23 years and I think that's only the second time we've seen that kind of stuff going on."
Ferentz on Tuesday noted that faking injuries has gained more attention, as the American Football Coaches Association has asked the NCAA football rules committee to address the pattern. He said that Iowa has two staff members who worked at programs that encouraged them, using code words such as "scuba" and "turtle."

"We don't coach it, haven't really been exposed to it," Ferentz said. "But our fans thought they smelled a rat, I guess, I don't know, so they responded the way they responded."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/college-footba...nds-fans-booing-penn-state-players-going-down
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Penn State fans' response.

Spoiler alert - lots of childish name-calling.

fckn clown
those sh#%#%^ds in the stands
dumb cornholians
Frentz is being a clown by giving cover for clueless fans
chkensht offense
asshole behavior of his coach
Ferentz has always been a shit
The Iowa Cawk Stalkers
a middling plucky football team
clueless dolts
they look moronic booing
being just as stupid as you are

That's just the first page.

And some more things that I thought were good:

Thank the man upstairs that we have continued JoePa’s Success With Honor with Franklin
When we are in INDY hopefully someone "accidently" runs into his knees on the sideline
Ha - I'm pretty sure they still blame the opponent (was it Wisconsin) for "accidentally" taking out Paterno in 2003-ish.
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Yes, the Iowa fans are classless.

As a matter of fact, based on decades of experience and having been around a lot of fan bases in a lot of sports bars; yes, Iowa fans are classless.

Fanbases have cultures; some are better than others. Culture matters. Nebraska has a great culture. I have yet to meet a group of Nebraska fans that was not respectful to their opponent. ("Group" is the key word in that sentence. Get anyone 1-on-1 and you get to know them. Get a bunch of fans together and you will get to know that fanbase's culture.)

Iowa fans on the other hand are trash. Absolute trash. I'd say act like you've been there before, but the last time they got within sniffing distance of it, Chris Spielman took their lunch money and sent them home in tears in the rain.

Iowa fans are classless. It's true.

Penn State fans are criminals. They are the worst blight on this planet. This includes my cousins. Not sorry that I'm not sorry.
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Thank the man upstairs that we have continued JoePa’s Success With Honor with Franklin


Joe Pa had enabling child rape on his success with honor resume and Franklin's got a cocaine/intimidating rape victims at his last school thing going on

but yeah, other than child rape, adult rape and cocaine...totally do it better than everyone else
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Ped Aggy fans (the Cult) are the lowest lifeform on this planet. This is not up for debate.

It's like some German guy on a message board saying "I'm just proud that Merkel has been able to uphold the Furher's proud tradition of Success with Honor"

They are so far removed from reality that it becomes difficult to absorb
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Listen after the McQueary testimony I will never have an ounce of respect for JP or anyone who defends that POS. For that matter I struggle with McQueary for that matter. If that was me there is zero chance I can just tell JP and walk away. I would 100% be following up with the police. Fact is I would have beat the shit our of Jerry right there in the shower and burned that place down. I challenge anyone to come forward with 3 more heinous crimes than child sexual assault.
So yeah that fan base is garbage. There is no and/but discussion. Joe Knew and did nothing. He did nothing because winning and his reputation was way more important. So he let Jerry keep running those youth camps and picking his victims. What I can't fully grasp is how that program did not get a full shut down for 2 years and give the players a free transfer.
That fan base is about as delusional as the SCum fan base or the ND fan bases.
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