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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Ah. That's kind of a broader OSU cultural thing pre-Meyer though. The best example didn't directly involve OSU. It was the blowing of a 35-3 lead by Glen Mason against TTU that cost him the Minny job. Dude went to a 3-man rush and never came out of it.
Just to be accurate, it was a 28-7 lead that Mason blew in 2003. EDIT - this was against TTUN.

I knew it couldn't have been a 32-point lead, because the Division 1 record for biggest comeback at the time was 31 points, shared ironically by tOSU over Minnesota in 1989 and Maryland over Miami in 1984. Maryland's QB was Frank Reich, who led Buffalo to an NFL record 32-point comeback win over Houston in January 1993, so for a while he held the largest comeback in college and the NFL.

The college record comeback was broken by Sparty over Northwestern in 2006, overcoming a 38-3 deficit. I think the NFL record still stands.
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Just to be accurate, it was a 28-7 lead that Mason blew in 2003.

I knew it couldn't have been a 32-point lead, because the Division 1 record for biggest comeback at the time was 31 points, shared ironically by tOSU over Minnesota in 1989 and Maryland over Miami in 1984. Maryland's QB was Frank Reich, who led Buffalo to an NFL record 32-point comeback win over Houston in January 1993, so for a while he held the largest comeback in college and the NFL.

The college record comeback was broken by Sparty over Northwestern in 2006, overcoming a 38-3 deficit. I think the NFL record still stands.

38-7 in the 3d quarter. Tied the record. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2006/12/31/masonfired

I was still wrong, of course, but in the ballpark.
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38-7 in the 3d quarter. Tied the record. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2006/12/31/masonfired

I was still wrong, of course, but in the ballpark.
Sorry, When you said TTU, I thought you meant TTUN, the blown 28-7 lead against them in 2003 haunts Mason to this day. I should have said TTUN in my statement about that game.

The 31 point blown lead against TTech is the bowl record (since tied by the TCU over Oregon Alamo bowl in Jan. 2016), but Sparty's 32 point comeback was a couple months before the Minny-TTech Insight Bowl. The previous bowl record was a 30-point comeback by Marshall over East Carolina in 2001.

I remember those comebacks since I was pulling for Minnesota (twice), NW'ern, Oregon, and East Carolina. FML

The first two 31-point comebacks by tOSU and Maryland I greatly enjoyed, however.
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